Module code: GY3450 In this module, you'll work under the guidance of a member of staff to execute and write up the research project you designed as part of the Year 2 Research Design module GY2435.
Module code: GY3420 In this module, you'll work under the guidance of a member of staff to execute and write up the research project you designed as part of the year 2 Research Design module GY2435.
Linear Algebra
Module code: EC1014 Linear algebra is a fundamental mathematical principle central to all areas of economics.
Creativity and Computing
Module code: CO1111 This module introduces key ideas in creative computing, especially the relationships between creativity and computing and their consequences in a range of fields.
Topics in Mathematical Biology
Module code: MA3063 This module focuses on applying a range of mathematical tools and techniques for mathematical modelling of biological and ecological phenomena.
Creativity and Computing
Module code: CO1111 This module introduces key ideas in creative computing, especially the relationships between creativity and computing and their consequences in a range of fields.
Module code: GY3450 In this module, you'll work under the guidance of a member of staff to execute and write up the research project you designed as part of the Year 2 Research Design module GY2435.
Module code: GY3420 In this module, you'll work under the guidance of a member of staff to execute and write up the research project you designed as part of the year 2 Research Design module GY2435.
Film and Art Journalism
Module code: HA3439 In this module you will study the craft of film and art journalism and write your own reviews of exhibitions and films.
Rigid Body and Structural Dynamics
Module code: EG3125 This advanced specialist module will enable you to extend your knowledge of engineering dynamics to tackle more advanced dynamics problems.