Search for Asian Radio Recordings and Memories in Leicester
In the late 1970s and the 1980s two thirds of the Asian population in Leicester listened to the Six O’clock Show on BBC Radio Leicester.
The outlawed Shrove Tuesday tradition of Leicester
Shrove Tuesday – taking place this year on 28 February – often involves the flipping of savoury and sweet pancakes, but prior to 1846 the city of Leicester had its own very particular way of celebrating the event.
Leicester remembers honorary graduate Tim Pigott-Smith
The University was saddened to learn on 7 April of the death of Tim Pigott-Smith, noted actor and and honorary graduate of the University of Leicester.
Success for student entrepreneur in national space challenge competition
A Leicester student is among only nine young space entrepreneurs to have won a share of £50K for innovative ideas on how to use satellite data to improve life on Earth.
These teaching resources were inspired by work done at the Royal Society Summer Exhibition 2019 by the BepiColombo team. These teaching aids were funded by the Science and Technology Facilities Council and the UK Space Agency.
Research Centre for Museums and Galleries (RCMG)
As part of the School of Museum Studies at the University of Leicester, RCMG carries out research that stimulates new thinking and creative practice enabling cultural organisations to become more ambitious and impactful in nurturing more equitable and inclusive societies.
There are many ways in which to use your oral history materials. Get more ideas on how and where you could use your interviews.
Feminism, Global Ethics and Political Theory (FemGEPT)
Here at The University of Leicester, the Global Ethics and Political Theory Research cluster explores the conceptual and territorial borders of liberalism, and looks at what it means to 'belong'.
Applications of Environmental Modelling
Module code: GY7718 How are ecosystems determined by the chemo-physical system? How do they feed back to the physical climate system? How large is the carbon cycle feedback from the biosphere to the greenhouse effect? The biosphere is now considered an integral part of the...
The Future of Work
Module code: MN1013 We are living through a revolution in the world of work. The main forces of change, such as automation and globalisation, have been building for several years and appear to have accelerated after the COVID-19 pandemic.