Britain’s largest ‘Sea Dragon’ discovered in Rutland
Ichthyosaurs first appeared around 250 million years ago and went extinct 90 million years ago. They were an extraordinary group of marine reptiles that varied in size from 1 to more than 25 metres in length, and resembled dolphins in general body shape.
May Book Group: Vile Bodies
Details of the Waugh Book Group's meeting to disuss Vile Bodies.
The secret peacemaker: A quiet leader of our time
Posted by mstein in School of Business Blog on May 24, 2017 Professor Mark Stein of the School of Business mourns the key intermediary between the British government and the IRA with Leicester connections, who has died aged 80.
Public Communication
Public Communication explores how media and mediated communication facilitate, inform and direct public discourse, democratic processes and social policy.
Turkish Post Beginners (Level 2)
Turkish course for beginners at Leicester University
Italian Intermediate (Level 3)
Intermediate Italian Course at Leicester University
Summer School
Students on flexible learning programmes in Museum Studies at the University of Leicester can take part in a 5-day Summer School in Leicester each year.
Tax-efficient giving
Learn more about tax-efficient giving and the ways your gift to the University of Leicester can be enhanced.
Expert opinions cover Brexit Zimbabwe Catalan and Euroscepticism
Professor Adam Cygan from our School of History, Politics and International Relations has written an article discussing how the County was divided over the question of Brexit and what the future may hold.
About and aims
The PREPARDE project captured the processes and procedures required to publish a research dataset including developing workflows for a new open access Geoscience Data Journal published by project partners Wiley and the Royal Meteorological Society.