
21010 results for: ‘%s’

  • Cultural Management and Marketing

    Module code: MU7573 This module will teach you to: Develop a critical understanding of management and marketing approaches applied to a range of international cultural heritage and museum contexts.

  • Law of EU-UK Relations

    Module code: LW2242 Do you know how the EU, the Court and Justice of the European Union shape the pattern of European integration? Or the fundamental principles of EU constitutional law? You will be examining the legal and institutional structure of the EU, and critically...

  • Legal Foundations of EU-UK Relations

    Module code: LW3242 Do you know how the EU, the Court and Justice of the European Union shape the pattern of European integration? Or the fundamental principles of EU constitutional law? You will be examining the legal and institutional structure of the EU, and critically...

  • Research Design and Methods (with Dissertation Planning)

    Module code: GY2414 This module equips you for your independent research project, gearing you up for the dissertation that you’ll submit in Year 3.

  • Statistics for Economics

    Module code: EC1007 Statistics can be used by economists as a tool to collect, analyse and interpret data relating to how choices made by individuals, organisations and governments on costs, risks and resources impact society.

  • Statistics for Economics

    Module code: EC1007 Statistics can be used by economists as a tool to collect, analyse and interpret data relating to how choices made by individuals, organisations and governments on costs, risks and resources impact society.

  • Systems Engineering

    Module code: EG4065 Systems engineering combines engineering with engineering management and focuses on how to design, integrate, and manage complex systems across their life cycle.

  • Introduction to Biomaterials

    Module code: EG2023 Biomaterials are materials used in the treatment of human injury or disease, either by themselves or as parts of more complex medical devices.

  • Engineering Principles and Experimentation

    Module code: FS0024 During this module you will get the chance to develop your experimental skills in an engineering context. This module is designed to give you hands-on experience in an engineering laboratory environment using a range of equipment.

  • Law of EU-UK Relations

    Module code: LW2242 Do you know how the EU, the Court and Justice of the European Union shape the pattern of European integration? Or the fundamental principles of EU constitutional law? You will be examining the legal and institutional structure of the EU, and critically...

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