
21007 results for: ‘%s’

  • Financial Derivatives

    Module code: EC7076 Financial derivatives are vital tools in modern portfolio management. Derivatives are contracts which give the holder the right or obligation to trade an asset in the future at a price agreed today.

  • Foundations of Mathematics for Finance

    Module code: EC7122 Maths is the foundation of accounting and finance. This module will allow you to gain an understanding of the mathematical principles and fundamentals that you will encounter during your professional career.

  • Microeconomic Theory

    Module code: EC7086 Microeconomic theory forms the building block for all microeconomic analysis. It is even used outside economics, in law and politics. In this module you will study Microeconomic theory from an advanced and mathematically rigorous perspective.

  • Experimental Economics

    Module code: EC3088 All scientific disciplines require systematic and rigorous experiments in order to make observations about the world around us and economics is no different.

  • Foundations of Computation

    Module code: CO1108 In this module, we explore the idea of foundations and theory in Computer Science. We discuss and classify grammars and formal languages to solve simple problems.

  • Financial Derivatives

    Module code: EC7076 Financial derivatives are vital tools in modern portfolio management. Derivatives are contracts which give the holder the right or obligation to trade an asset in the future at a price agreed today.

  • Foundations of Mathematics for Finance

    Module code: EC7122 Maths is the foundation of accounting and finance. This module will allow you to gain an understanding of the mathematical principles and fundamentals that you will encounter during your professional career.

  • Africa

    If you are from Africa, use this page to navigate to your country to find out about entry requirements, national student societies and other country-specific information.

  • eabbey

    Hello world! Posted by eabbey in IMP – Improving my Pedagogy on November 9, 2018 Welcome to Sites. This is your first post.

  • Corporate Governance

    Module code: LW7259 Corporate governance is concerned with the internal and external roles and relationships in a corporation including shareholders, managers, employees, creditors, consumers and other entities.

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