University of Leicester and ONS sign strategic partnership to improve research
University of Leicester has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Office for National Statistics
Sharp eyes to the skies
How satellites are helping tackle climate change
Research group appeals for local parents
The Leicester City Football Club (LCFC) Programme of Research at the University of Leicester is seeking help to improve its work into the health of babies and young children and would like to hear from parents.
We hold grants from a range of funders including National Institute for Health research (NIHR), Medical Research Council (MRC), the European Commission, UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA), the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) and Leicester City Council.
Laura Gray
The academic profile of Professor Laura Gray, Professor of Medical Statistics, Departmental Research Director, Co-Lead Biostatistics Research Group at University of Leicester
Black women at greater risk of dying from uterine cancer
Women in Black ethnic minority groups are at greater risk of dying from uterine, (womb) cancer, latest data shows
Project to investigate genetic roots of resistance to anti-cancer therapy agents
The mechanisms that cause cancers to respond poorly to therapy are to be investigated in a project that commemorates and honours the work of an eminent Leicester geneticist.
Leicester among top five most affordable university cities in Britain
The University of Leicester has been identified as one of the most affordable places to be a student - ranking in the top five in the country. Leicester and Lincoln are identified as the top places in the Midlands – Leicester is ranked fifth in the new table from
Treatment for frail heart patients improves survival rates
A new study, led by the University of Leicester, shows that heart patients treated with revascularisation have better survival rates, even with a high risk of frailty.
Black students and access to HE
Posted by Andrew Dunn in Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog on December 16, 2022 78% of universities are less likely to make Black students an offer to study than other similar applicants, according to the Ethnic Representation Index (ERI) launched by University...