Public Economics
Module code: EC3080 Module co-ordinator: Professor Clive Fraser Module Purpose Governments intervene in the economy extensively and, usually, for very good reasons.
July 1st 2013 Sol 321
Posted by jbridges in Mars Science Laboratory Blog on July 1, 2013 We are continuing our work at Shaler on Mars. Meanwhile, one of the important research aspects of MSL and Mars research generally is to identify analogue sites on Earth.
Tuesday 11th September Sol 35
Posted by jbridges in Mars Science Laboratory Blog on September 11, 2012 One of the activities in the next few sols we are looking forward to include using the video facility on MastCam to observe a transit of Phobos across the Sun.
Medieval Leicester
Discover more about medieval Leicester, including the architecture which makes the city one of only a few in England which can boast important standing structures, providing continuity from the Roman period right through the Middle Ages.
Student midwives add to support for Leicester families
A student-led project to support expectant Leicester mothers has been given a funding boost in celebration of International Day of the Midwife.
National Museum of African American History and Culture Collection of Charleston Slave Badges
Posted by Andrew Dunn in Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog on February 7, 2025 T he collection includes 146 rare badges dating as far back as 1804.
AstroSeminar: Michelle Collins (Surrey), “Understanding the mysteries of the Low Surface Brightness
Posted by er198 in Physics and Astronomy Blog on 1 February 2021 The department seminar this week (Wed 3rd of Feb) will be delivered by Dr. Michelle Collins (Surrey), at usual time (3.00 pm). Please find below title and abstract of the seminar.
Open minds
The Open Minds education programme worked with young people aged from 7-18 years to introduce new audiences to Harewood.
Understanding Risk and Security
Module code: CR1512 In this module you will explore in more depth the concepts of both risk and security, looking at how the academic theory has been (and continues to be) developed as well as how theory may be relevant to security officers and managers.
Bringing international experts together to improve student mental health and wellbeing
On Thursday 21 June, an international conference held at our University will be delving into the critical issue of student mental health and wellbeing.