
15049 results for: ‘museum studies’

  • Physics & Astronomy

    Juno Mission unveils the depth and structure of planet’s shrinking red spot and colourful bands Posted by Physics & Astronomy in Leicester to Jupiter: The Juno Mission on October 29, 2021 Dr.

  • Embracing the nuances with a learning outcomes approach: moving the discussions forward – University

    The 'Learning Outcomes Project' at the University of Leicester. Embracing the nuances with a learning outcomes approach: moving the discussions forward.

  • Wedding Season – The University of Leicester

    Evelyn Waugh and his first marriage to Evelyn Gardner

  • Physics and Astronomy Fellowships in Leicester

    Physics and Astronomy Fellowships in Leicester, STFC, Royal Society, EPSRC, NERC

  • March Book Group: Scoop

    Summary of the Waugh Book Group's discussion of Scoop at Leicester Central Library, 7th March 2015

  • University of Leicester: Why not deposit Open Access?

    Addressing concerns about sharing research publications Open Access

  • Award-winning University alumnus publishes first novel

    University of Leicester alumnus, Anietie Isong graduated in 2005 with an MA in Globalisation and Communications, and has recently published his first novel, Radio Sunrise.

  • Tracking alien invaders

    Professor Mark Williams and PhD Students Stephen Himson and Rachael Holmes explain the influence of non-native plants and animals on the biosphere, and how humans can make a positive difference on the world.

  • Research seminars

    The School of Geography, Geology and the Environment hosts numerous research seminars relating to Earth and Environmental Sciences and Human Geography, where external and internal speakers present the results of their latest research.

  • The University of Leicester receives further £1.25 million to fund world-leading social sciences research

    University of Leicester has been awarded an additional £1.25 million by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) to support its world-leading social sciences research.

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