Research finds no association between weekend staffing levels and patient mortality
New research involving researchers from our University has found no association between weekend senior doctor staffing levels and mortality, questioning whether increasing senior doctor weekend working would impact mortality rates.
Christmas comes earlier every year!
Posted by Andrew Dunn in Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog on November 17, 2014 The Royal Statistical Society recently published an essay based on Internet search terms which found that in 2007 people started thinking about Xmas in November however last...
Posted by Andrew Dunn in Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog on February 7, 2012 Free online access to videos, stills, texts and audio from European broadcasters and audiovisual archives. Explore selected content from early 1900s until today. http://www.euscreen.
Are young people the ‘new poor?’
Posted by Andrew Dunn in Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog on March 13, 2015 The latest LSE research has revealed that despite better qualifications, young people in their 20s have suffered a higher percentage of falling wages than older generations.
Local elections data
Posted by Andrew Dunn in Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog on May 4, 2018 Elections centre established by Colin Rallings and Michael Thrasher, Associate Members of Nuffield College, Oxford has a wealth of data on local election results from 1964 onwards.
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Mental Health Law
Module code: LW7293 In the light of statistics suggesting that one in four people will suffer from a mental health disorder during their lifetime. The law relating to mental health is an important subset of medical law.
Containment Level 3 Facility (C3)
Find out more information on the Containment Level 3 facility (CL3), housed in the Core Biotechnology Services.
Mental Health Law
Module code: LW7293 In the light of statistics suggesting that one in four people will suffer from a mental health disorder during their lifetime. The law relating to mental health is an important subset of medical law.
Mental Health Law
Module code: LW7293 In the light of statistics suggesting that one in four people will suffer from a mental health disorder during their lifetime. The law relating to mental health is an important subset of medical law.