
9709 results for: ‘map’

  • Older theses

    2009 BRAMMER, B. The Holland Fen: social and topographical changes in a Fenland environment, 1750-1945. SEAL, Christine. Poor relief and welfare: a comparative study of the Belper and Cheltenham poor law unions, 1780-1914. 2008 COOPER, Kathryn J.

  • Juno’s First 150 Days

    University of Leicester, Staff Blogs

  • Beagle 2 lander found on Mars

    The UK-led Beagle 2 was due to land on Mars on 25 December 2003. The spacecraft was ejected from Mars Express on 19 December 2003. Nothing had been heard from Beagle 2 and the mission was presumed lost. Until now.

  • Preventing Overdiagnosis Conference 2016

    SAPPHIRE’s Natalie Armstrong and Caroline Morris reflect on learning from the ‘Preventing Overdiagnosis Conference’ (#PODC2016) in Barcelona

  • Geography BA

    With a Leicester Geography BA you'll learn how to confront the pressing human geography issues of our time. While this degree mainly focuses on human geography, you'll have the option to learn about physical geography too.

  • Geography BA

    With a Leicester Geography BA you'll learn how to confront the pressing human geography issues of our time. While this degree mainly focuses on human geography, you'll have the option to learn about physical geography too.

  • Environmental Science BSc

    From climatic changes and natural hazards to shifting tectonic plates, our planet is constantly reshaping itself. By studying the science behind physical geography, you can better tackle the challenges that lie ahead.

  • EAP Students

    Module code: EN7910 This module looks at the relationships between students’ learning experiences and their expectations when entering higher education, as well as how these expectations relate to the expectations of academic staff.

  • EAP Students

    Module code: EN7910 This module looks at the relationships between students’ learning experiences and their expectations when entering higher education, as well as how these expectations relate to the expectations of academic staff.

  • Nicole Yap

    The academic profile of Ms Nicole Yap, Teaching Fellow at University of Leicester

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