Leicester jumps 16 places in student experience rankings
The University of Leicester has jumped up the rankings in the Times Higher Education Student Experience Survey 2015, moving from 42nd to 26th of 113 institutions.
Medical Statistics Project
Module code: MD7446 The 12-week project gives you the opportunity to carry out an extended and in-depth piece of work on a real problem in medical statistics.
Osteology research laboratory
The human osteology laboratory was launched in 2013 and is a state-of-the-art facility for research. The lab holds a range of research materials.
Medical Statistics Project
Module code: MD7446 The 12-week project gives you the opportunity to carry out an extended and in-depth piece of work on a real problem in medical statistics.
Medical Statistics Project
Module code: MD7446 The 12-week project gives you the opportunity to carry out an extended and in-depth piece of work on a real problem in medical statistics.
Sol 2039 1st May 2018 Unique Samples from the Deep Martian Crust
Posted by jbridges in Mars Science Laboratory Blog on May 1, 2018 We have recently come across a unique set of samples from the deeper crust of Mars, kilometres below what was the Gale Lake 4 billion years ago.
Saturday 25th August Sol 19
Posted by jbridges in Mars Science Laboratory Blog on August 26, 2012 In the next few days we are expecting the first measurements by the SAM mass spectrometer instrument (inlet on the top surface of Curiosity) of the Mars atmosphere.
25th March 2015 Sol 936
Posted by jbridges in Mars Science Laboratory Blog on March 25, 2015 This MAHLI image (field of view about 20 cm) shows how water has travelled through the Garden City mudstone rock. It has left trails in veins – probably of gypsum or a similar mineral.
Lin Feng
Introductory Field Course
Module code: GL1106 Fieldwork forms a vital part of our geoscience degrees and can be one of the most stimulating and enjoyable experiences of your time here at Leicester, giving you the chance to put into practice the skills you have learnt in lectures and practicals.