
21349 results for: ‘%s’

  • Applied Psychology Dissertation

    Module code: PS3103 (double module) This module provides the opportunity to carry out an empirical research project of your own conception/choosing in applied psychology, under the supervision of a relevant member of academic staff.

  • Professional Psychology

    Module code: PS7557 On this module you will learn about the applied areas of professional psychology as outlined by the British Psychological Society. You will become aware of what the different areas involve and how to pursue careers within each area.

  • Modern Britain: c1700-Present

    Module code: HS1013 Throughout this module you’ll untangle key controversies in British history, and look at how and why we came to view these events in this way.

  • Modern Britain: c1700-Present

    Module code: HS1013 Throughout this module you’ll untangle key controversies in British history, and look at how and why we came to view these events in this way.

  • Professional Psychology

    Module code: PS7557 On this module you will learn about the applied areas of professional psychology as outlined by the British Psychological Society. You will become aware of what the different areas involve and how to pursue careers within each area.

  • Professional Skills in Psychology

    Module code: PS7407 On this module you will learn about the applied areas of professional psychology as outlined by the British Psychological Society. You will become aware of what the different areas involve and how to pursue careers within each area.

  • Practical Research Skills in Psychology

    Module code: PS2103 In this module, you will learn about quantitative and qualitative research design and analysis.

  • Applied Psychology Dissertation

    Module code: PS3103 (double module) This module provides the opportunity to carry out an empirical research project of your own conception/choosing in applied psychology, under the supervision of a relevant member of academic staff.

  • Modern Britain: c1700-Present

    Module code: HS1013 Throughout this module you’ll untangle key controversies in British history, and look at how and why we came to view these events in this way.

  • Professional Psychology

    Module code: PS7557 On this module you will learn about the applied areas of professional psychology as outlined by the British Psychological Society. You will become aware of what the different areas involve and how to pursue careers within each area.

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