
13274 results for: ‘CONTACT COLASHIP.SHOP TO ’

  • ALT-C 2017 thoughts: What is the value of anonymity in learning? Should we be using learning analyti

    Posted by apatel in Leicester Learning Institute: Enhancing learning and teaching on September 8, 2017   ALT Conference – Siân Bayne – Wednesday 6th September 2017 pictures@chrisbullphotographer.

  • Special comedy event and animated film in honour of playwright and provocateur Joe Orton

    To mark 50 years since the death of Joe Orton, BAFTA-nominated filmmaker Chris Shepherd is collaborating with Dr Emma Parker from our School of Arts on an Arts Council-funded project inspired by prank letters of complaint that Orton penned using the pseudonym Mrs Edna Welthorpe.

  • Good cholesterol doesnt always lower heart attack risk

    Some people with high levels of ‘good’ high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) are at increased risk of coronary heart disease (CHD), contrary to earlier evidence that people with more HDL-C are usually at lower heart disease risk.

  • Research Methods in Cancer Biology

    Module code: MB7003 When a gene is found to be mutated in a cancer, we first need to understand how its protein product functions and then how the mutated protein alters the behaviour of cancer cells. For example, cancer cells show uncontrolled cell proliferation.

  • Research Methods in Cancer Biology

    Module code: MB7003 When a gene is found to be mutated in a cancer, we first need to understand how its protein product functions and then how the mutated protein alters the behaviour of cancer cells. For example, cancer cells show uncontrolled cell proliferation.

  • Barbara Cooke

    Research Associate for the Complete Works of Evelyn Waugh project.

  • Holly Furneaux

    Reader in Victorian Literature.

  • University of Leicester Staff Blog In Defence of Creative Writing

    Posted by Julie Coleman in School of English Blog on March 19, 2014 Our newest colleague, Dr Jonathan Taylor, responds to Hanif Kureshi in Leicester Exchanges : .

  • Research Methods in Cancer Biology

    Module code: MB7003 When a gene is found to be mutated in a cancer, we first need to understand how its protein product functions and then how the mutated protein alters the behaviour of cancer cells. For example, cancer cells show uncontrolled cell proliferation.

  • Kitchen table

    Read the article "The kitchen table" This is part of the Social Worlds project at the University of Leicester.

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