
7746 results for: ‘Primary Education’

  • Getting Started with Law in Children’s Lives

    Posted by ekirk in Law in Children's Lives on November 19, 2014 Draft Alien for Law in Children’s Lives project Welcome to the Law in Children’s Lives project blog.

  • Innovative healthcare project to link patient data receives government funding

    A hospital doctor using a laptop|University of Leicester-led research to increase efficiency of data sharing within the NHS.

  • Magnetic Resonance Measurements of Myocardial Function and Pathophysiology

    We have an extremely vibrant research portfolio using Cardiovascular MRI (CMR) led by Gerry McCann.  Projects have been funded by the MRC, BHF and NIHR through central grants and the NIHR Leicester Cardiovascular BRU.

  • University of Leicester experts set to launch global health research project in Nepal

    A £10 million project lead by experts from the University of Leicester to improve healthcare in the subcontinent has taken a step forward with a launch planned in Nepal next month.

  • Juno peers deep into Jupiter’s colourful belts and zones

    An investigation of this phenomenon is one of the primary objectives of NASA’s Juno mission, and the spacecraft carries a specially-designed microwave radiometer to measure emission from deep within the Solar System’s largest planet for the first time.

  • Attenborough Arts Centre announces new Advisory Board members

    Attenborough Arts Centre today announces the appointment of six new Advisory Board members, following a public recruitment process.

  • About the programme

    This programme is based on challenging health inequalities in our vibrant multicultural region.  It has two clear ambitions:  To tackle inequalities in healthcare provision; To address inequalities in academic opportunities for our Health Care Professionals.

  • Physics and Astronomy Blog: Showcasing the cutting-edge research and diverse scientific community in

    Showcasing the cutting-edge research and diverse scientific community in the School of Physics and Astronomy.

  • MIRI on the right tracks at NASA Johnson

    UK scientists and engineers – including colleagues from our University - are celebrating following the confirmation that their instrument has performed very well during the cryogenic testing for the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) at NASA Johnson Space Flight Center in...

  • Council

    The Council is the University's supreme governing body. Council is responsible for taking all final decisions on matters of fundamental concern to the institution.

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