Psychology with Cognitive Neuroscience Dissertation
Module code: PS3102 (double module) This module provides the opportunity to carry out an empirical research project of your own conception/choosing in cognitive neuroscience, under the supervision of a relevant member of academic staff.
Psychology with Cognitive Neuroscience Dissertation
Module code: PS3102 (double module) This module provides the opportunity to carry out an empirical research project of your own conception/choosing in cognitive neuroscience, under the supervision of a relevant member of academic staff.
Psychology with Cognitive Neuroscience Dissertation
Module code: PS3102 (double module) This module provides the opportunity to carry out an empirical research project of your own conception/choosing in cognitive neuroscience, under the supervision of a relevant member of academic staff.
Postgraduate students are offered rooms in The City accommodation within easy walking distance of both campus and the city centre.
English language classes and support
Access free English classes available for people from refugee backgrounds, including ESOL and scholarships for presessional English programmes in Leicester
Exploring the Social World
Module code: SY7043 This module employs an innovative interview-led lecture-seminar format.
Exploring the Social World
Module code: SY7043 This module employs an innovative interview-led lecture-seminar format.
PhD and MD studentships
Learn about PhD studentships and MD positions offered by the Department of Cardiovascular Sciences at the University of Leicester. Self-funded students are encouraged to view the example of projects offered by supervisors in the department.
British Schools and Universities Foundation
Taxpayers in the USA can make tax-deductible gifts to the University of Leicester via The British Schools and Universities Foundation (BSUF) Inc.
Igneous Petrogenesis
Module code: GL4110 When and how did the continental crust form? Many models have been proposed, but this fundamental question remains unresolved.