
4097 results for: ‘Subjects ranking ’

  • Biodiversity and Behaviour

    Module code: BS1070 This module will provide an introduction to the vast diversity of plants and animals.

  • Dissertation

    Module code: MU7549 The dissertation provides an opportunity to carry out an extended piece of research into a subject or issue which has captured your imagination.

  • Dissertation

    Module code: MU7531 The dissertation provides an opportunity to carry out an extended piece of research into a subject or issue which has captured your imagination.

  • Biodiversity and Behaviour

    Module code: BS1070 This module will provide an introduction to the vast diversity of plants and animals.

  • A Sea of Conflict? Christian Muslim Encounters 1100-1300 AD- Part 1

    Module code: HS3763 This special subject will look at the history of the medieval Eastern Mediterranean from a religious and cultural perspective.

  • Law and Political Theory

    Module code: LW3430 How does the law relate to power? How does it interact with other institutions in society? Does it serve the interests of all equally, or does it favour particular groups? Do certain forms of ideology inform the law’s operation? What are the philosophical...

  • Medieval Archaeology

    Module code: AR1555 Following the end of the Roman Empire, Europe was subject to many significant changes in terms of the ways in which society was organised.

  • Dissertation

    Module code: MU7531 The dissertation provides an opportunity to carry out an extended piece of research into a subject or issue which has captured your imagination.

  • Dissertation

    Module code: MU7549 The dissertation provides an opportunity to carry out an extended piece of research into a subject or issue which has captured your imagination.

  • Law and Political Theory

    Module code: LW3430 How does the law relate to power? How does it interact with other institutions in society? Does it serve the interests of all equally, or does it favour particular groups? Do certain forms of ideology inform the law’s operation? What are the philosophical...

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