
16400 results for: ‘%s’

  • Microeconomic Theory

    Module code: EC7086 Microeconomic theory forms the building block for all microeconomic analysis. It is even used outside economics, in law and politics. In this module you will study Microeconomic theory from an advanced and mathematically rigorous perspective.

  • Experimental Economics

    Module code: EC3088 All scientific disciplines require systematic and rigorous experiments in order to make observations about the world around us and economics is no different.

  • Foundations of Computation

    Module code: CO1108 In this module, we explore the idea of foundations and theory in Computer Science. We discuss and classify grammars and formal languages to solve simple problems.

  • Molecular Methods and Experimental Design

    Module code: BS4402 This module is designed to develop your experimental research skills and give you a comprehensive understanding of the theory and practice of key molecular biology techniques.

  • Representing Intercultural Meaning: Exhibition Making

    Module code: MS7124 Module Outline In this module, you will study how a film festival or exhibition is organised, designed and curated, learning about the different formats and management structures.

  • The Media on Film

    Module code: MS3014 This module engages in analysing how various media forms are represented and interrogated through film. The theoretical heart of the enquiry is a postmodernist one, thinking about intertextuality and (self)reflexivities in and across media texts.

  • Micorobial genomes

    Genome is the word we use to describe all of an organism's DNA, including its chromosomes and any other pieces of DNA it may have acquired. The University of Leicester provides a range of resources for academic purposes.

  • Molecular Methods and Experimental Design

    Module code: MB7402 This module is designed to develop your experimental research skills and give you a comprehensive understanding of the theory and practice of key molecular biology techniques.

  • Medical Genetics

    Module code: MB3050 ‘Medical genetics’ will give you an appreciation of the application of genetics to a broad range of areas of modern medicine and illustrates ways in which genetic knowledge is impacting on cancer therapeutics.

  • Learning Technologies

    Module code: ED7144 In this module you will study educational and other technologies, their associated affordances/characteristics, and the ways in which they can be used to support different approaches to teaching and learning.

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