
13284 results for: ‘CONTACT COLASHIP.SHOP TO ’

  • Leicester students all set for ‘virtual’ Graduation celebrations

    Students from the University of Leicester’s Class of 2021 will celebrate completing their studies with virtual Graduation celebrations this week.

  • How it works

    Unless you have just been through the university application process with an older sibling, it can all seem confusing. (And even if you did all this a couple of years ago, it’s worth checking details as some things change from year to year.

  • History and Security Sector Reform: Crime and Punishment in British Colonial Guyana, 1814-1966

    Over the past two years there has been a general shift in models of incarceration in the former British colony of Guyana, from punishment (punitive measures) to correction and rehabilitation (via training and education).

  • Death and community in rural settlements: changing burial culture in small towns and villages, c. 1850-2007

    ESRC Research Grant (£256,277) April 2008-September 2011 Professor Keith Snell Professor Keith Snell is working with Dr Julie Rugg (University of York) on an 3-4 year ESRC funded project from January 2008, entitled 'Death and community in rural settlements: changing...

  • Renaissance Literature B

    Module code: EN2320 (double module) This module introduces you to the landmark texts of the English Renaissance (excluding drama).

  • Archaeology CE

    Module code: AR1604 In this module you will learn about cultures that shaped the world we live in.

  • Working in Criminal Justice

    Module code: CR2014 In the current climate, the British criminal justice system is undergoing significant changes.

  • Events

    Events hosted by the Centre for Regional and Local History

  • Archaeology CE

    Module code: AR1604 In this module you will learn about cultures that shaped the world we live in.

  • Laura Dean

    Congratulations to Mindhacks Posted by Laura Dean in School of Psychology on November 24, 2014 has won the British Psychological Society’s Public Engagement and Media Award.

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