Formation and Evolution of Galaxies
The traditional strength of the group in studying the evolution of active galaxies (AGNs) is all part of the wider quest to trace the history of elements, stars, galaxies, extragalactic structure and blackholes through cosmic time, along with providing a context for the...
Designing for Creative Lives
Module code: MU7018 This module looks at the museum differently.
Advanced Statistical Modelling (Full-time)
Module code: MD7444 Survival analysis Survival analysis is concerned with data where we measure the time to an event. In medicine we are often interested in death, i.e. we want to keep people alive and make them live longer.
Quasars and Cosmology
Module code: PA3605 This module will build on your knowledge in speciality physics by further exploring topics in extragalactic astrophysics. Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) are amongst the most luminous objects in the Universe.
Advanced Statistical Modelling (Full-time)
Module code: MD7444 Survival analysis Survival analysis is concerned with data where we measure the time to an event. In medicine we are often interested in death, i.e. we want to keep people alive and make them live longer.
Designing for Creative Lives
Module code: MU7018 This module looks at the museum differently.
Quasars and Cosmology
Module code: PA3605 This module will build on your knowledge in speciality physics by further exploring topics in extragalactic astrophysics. Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) are amongst the most luminous objects in the Universe.
Designing for Creative Lives
Module code: MU7018 This module looks at the museum differently.
Neotropical Rainforests
Module code: GY3306 This module provides you with a unique insight into the neotropical rainforest biome. It incorporates a component of fieldwork on tropical ecology, but also examines theoretical aspects.
Equality and diversity
We are committed to equality of opportunity for all current and prospective students and staff.