Activism and Protest in the Information Age
Module code: MS3022 During this module you'll investigate different forms of activism and protest inspired, facilitated, and sustained by the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in democratic and non‐democratic societies.
Heena Karavadra
Heena has demonstrated exceptional commitment and initiative to create and set up two student engagement schemes.
Medieval skeletons discovered at Leicester Castle
A team of Leicester archaeologists has uncovered medieval human remains at Leicester Castle. The skeletons, discovered by builders while laying new electrical cables, have yet to be radiocarbon dated or identified but it is thought they may be six or seven centuries old.
Study reveals how thirsty trees pull water to their canopies
A scientific mystery about how trees pull water from the ground to their top branches has been solved by an international team of researchers led by Dr Adrian Boatwright, who conducted the research while at the Department of Chemistry.
Lending books and journals to other libraries
Libraries in the UK and from around the world may request articles, chapters and books from our collection through a variety of inter library loan and document supply channels.
Graduate named Young Poet Laureate for London
Poet Selina Nwulu, who graduated from the University with a degree in French and Italian from the School of Modern Languages, has been named Young Poet Laureate for London. An article in The Guardian outlines how Selina started to write poetry and her plans ahead.
Introductory Chemistry Practical
Module code: CH0062 Chemistry is an experimental science and you'll be taking part in many practical experiments during your undergraduate study.
Developing Proficiency 3 and 4
Module code: NU2011 No nursing education programme is complete without practical experience in the field.
Mechanics 2
Module code: FS0042 In this module you will learn how to describe and explain the rotational motion of rigid bodies subject to forces. You will study advanced topics such as oscillations and gravity, and learn how to use differential equations to solve dynamical problems.
Developing Proficiency 3 and 4
Module code: NU2011 No nursing education programme is complete without practical experience in the field.