Film screening to focus on migration and borders
The Leicester Migration Network is screening and hosting a free public discussion of ‘Everyday Borders’ on Wednesday October 28 at 6pm in the Attenborough Building, Room 206.
Managing Digital Technologies
Module code: MN1024 Every day, more and more data is available to businesses and organisations. Thanks to the advent of new technologies, businesses know more about their customers and their market than ever before.
Organic Chemistry
Module code: CH2201 In this module, you'll delve back into the world of organic materials and compounds, the basis for all life on earth, and build upon your knowledge of organic chemistry gained during your first year.
Aircraft Noise and Cardiovascular Outcomes (ANCO)
Principal Investigator - Anna Hansell This Medical Research Council grant funds the first comprehensive assessment of cardiovascular (CVD) impacts of aircraft noise near major airports in the UK.
SPRINT awarded additional £200,000 funding from UK Space Agency
A national business support programme for the space sector led by the University of Leicester has been given a Government funding boost.
Sarah Scott
The academic profile of Professor Sarah Scott, Professor of Archaeology at University of Leicester
University Fellows, Honorary Visiting Staff, Associates and Emeritus
History at Leicester is pleased to work with Emeritus and Honorary Visiting Professors and Fellows. View profiles of our Visiting staff and find out how to get in touch.
Research and consultancy
The Centre is able to provide expert research and consultancy services to external clients on a contract basis. We have extensive expertise and experience relating to UK and EU legal framework.
Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR)
What is the HEAR? The Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR) provides a single comprehensive record of your achievement. It is a digital transcript you can access once you have completed your studies.
Nucleus genomics
Find out more about the Nucleus genomics facility, based in the Core Biotechnology Services at Leicester.