Study aims to tackle overprescribing across England
A £2.4 million study led by the University of Leicester is underway to reduce the amount of unnecessary or inappropriate medications prescribed to older patients
Space scientists look to face down climate change
Two pioneering projects led by space scientists at the University of Leicester have been awarded a share of research funding by the UK Space Agency.
The following posters were displayed at the Midlands Racial Equality in Medicine Network Conference on 11th March: 1. An Extended Literature Review on the Racial Disparities that Exist in the Management of Sickle Cell Disease in the UK.
Honorary Degree for Bishop of Loughborough
Guli Francis-Dehqani, Bishop of Loughborough Guli Francis-Dehqani, Bishop of Loughborough|The Right Reverend Doctor Guli Francis-Dehqani, Bishop of Loughborough, has been awarded an Honorary Doctorate of Laws by the University of Leicester.
Parents and researchers share insights at University of Leicester for World Prematurity Day
University of Leicester invites parents, teachers and professionals to ‘The educational needs of children born preterm’ on Thursday 17 November.
The University of Leicester Evelyn Waugh Project is proud to be working with a series of partners. Learn more about the project partners.
More than 80 people from University of Leicester compete in the Leicester Half-Marathon challenge
More than 80 members of staff from across our University took part in the Leicester Half-Marathon Relay Challenge on Sunday 23 October.
Flaring star could be down to young planet’s disc inferno
New simulations led by University of Leicester offer new explanation for star’s 85-year flare. In this scenario, a young giant planet is burning up very close to its star, suggesting solar systems may have hosted many of such planets that have since ‘evaporated’
Its written in the stars
Astronomers today opened one of the last remaining windows on the Universe, publishing the first full 3D census of over one billion stars in our Milky Way.
Pterosaurs undergo dental examination to reveal clues about diets and lifestyles
Microscopic analysis of the teeth of pterosaurs has revealed new insights into the diets and behaviours of Earth’s earliest flying reptiles.