School of Business

Christian Larsen

Christian Larsen is Managing Director Americas for Direct Link, the international division of PostNord and is based in the United States. Previously he has worked as Head of Sales for Majority, and also had positions in Rebtel, Tele2 and Comviq.  In his current role he has responsibility for strategy, growth, and P&L for our operations the Americas and is part of the global management team.  

Why did you choose the Leicester MBA and what where some of your highlights?

The Leicester MBA had good reviews as i researched different MBA programmes online.  I also like the fact that Leicester had a mix of distance and in-person learning through the annual Leicester Masterclass.  Highlights?  There are a few... I attended the Leicester Masterclass in 2019 and truly enjoyed this, probably the highlight of my programme.  I also really enjoyed the concentration with finance as well as it helped me get a better understanding of macro-economical environments.  Dr Olga Suhomlinova and her way of leading the programme was also great and of course, graduation which will be with me forever.

How did you find studying your MBA whilst combining it with professional and other commitments?

I am not going to lie it is somewhat challenging and requires discipline.  I believe the key was to create routines around school and studying and treat it as part of life, which was helpful.

What where you doing when you started the MBA?

I am a Swede and had the first part of my career in Stockholm, Sweden.  I worked in multiple commercial roles within telecommunications before I ventured out to the fintech (Financial Technology) Sector.  Through the Stockholm based company I worked for I got the opportunity to relocate to the US.  As I neared completion of my MBA, I got approached by one of Sweden's largest logistics companies that wanted a new Managing Director/President for their US business.  I accepted this role and part of why they accepted me was a combination of my previous experience and my MBA degree.

How did studying the MBA support your employability and career success and what are your career plans moving forward?

Studying the MBA was a key piece of the puzzle and really demonstrates that you not only have a good career but a also a robust academic base to stand on.  Employers want to see that you have both in today's competitive environment. Looking ahead, I want to continue to grow my current company for a couple of years but my ultimate goal is to start my own business.






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