About and aims

The PREPARDE project captured the processes and procedures required to publish a research dataset - ranging from ingestion into a data repository to formal publication in a data journal. To do this we developed workflows for a new open access Geoscience Data Journal published by project partners Wiley and the Royal Meteorological Society.

In this way we addressed key issues arising in the data publication paradigm across disciplines including dataset peer-review, data quality and assurance and investigating how datasets and journal publications can be linked for the benefit of the wider research community.

PREPARDE was a 12-month Jisc-funded project (one of three projects in the Innovative Research Data Publication strand) to:

  • capture and manage the workflows required to operate the Geoscience Data Journal - from submission of a new data paper and dataset, to review and publication.
  • develop the procedures and policies for authors, reviewers and editors to facilitate the acceptance of data papers for publication by the Geoscience Data Journal. This will focus on guidelines for scientific reviewers who will review the datasets.
  • incorporate technical developments at the point of submission including data visualisation checks and interface improvements in order to enhance the resulting data publications.
  • place procedures for lightweight data papers in the California Digital Library.
  • interact with the wider scientific and data community in order to provide recommendations on accreditation requirements for data repositories.
  • engage the user and stakeholder community to promote long-term sustainability and governance of data journals.


Dr Jonathan Tedds
Honorary Fellow

Department of Population Health Sciences
University of Leicester
Centre for Medicine
University Road
+44 (0)794 122 1362
Follow us on Twitter: @jtedds

Project partners

University of Leicester

Led and administered the project through the Principle Investigator Dr J.A.Tedds in the Department of Physics and Astronomy. The University also liaises with a range of academic stakeholders internationally for their input into the workshops and guidelines.

British Atmospheric Data Centre (BADC)

Project managers for PREPARDE. BADC provided technical input into the cross-linking, workflows and scientific review work packages. Visit BADC website.


Provided the publishing platform, work with partners to develop and implement workflows and supported technical enhancements to enhance authorial and readership experiences. More on Wiley-Blackwell.

California Digital Library (CDL)

Collaborated with the project and investigated a lightweight data paper convention with informal (crowd-sourced) review. CDL contributed a broader perspective from outside the Earth Sciences. About CDL.

National Centre for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)

Provided use cases of then-current data review methods and feedback on development of peer review guidelines and workflows for the Geoscience Data Journal. NCAR contributed to the data repository accreditation report and workshops. Visit the NCAR website.


Contributed to a broader perspective from the biomedical sciences. This will extend the impact of the output from the work packages to the biomedical community through the launch of F1000 Research and the use of their Advisory Panel and the F1000 Faculty. F1000 co-organised one of the workshops. Read more about F1000.

Digital Curation Centre (DCC)

Assessed peer review models, their overlap with data repository appraisal and ingest processes. More on the Digital Curation Centre.


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