
Academic guidance of Research Degree by published work students


The Department must allocate an academic adviser for every research student. The academic adviser shall provide appropriate guidance on the development of the critical appraisal and, provided that it is presented within a reasonable and agreed timeframe, read and comment on the whole of the final draft of the critical appraisal before it is submitted for examination.


A second academic adviser may be allocated if requested by the research student or required by the Department.


The academic adviser(s) must be one of the following:

  • a member of the University’s academic staff
  • a research fellow of the University
  • a clinical or scientific member of staff of the National Health Service, or an academic member of staff of the Medical Research Council Toxicology Unit, holding an honorary position with the University

Other honorary and emeritus staff of the University shall not be appointed as academic advisers.


The academic adviser(s) must have expertise relevant to the student’s area of research and appropriate experience of the supervision of research students.


The Department must specify a named academic adviser at the point it makes a formal offer of admission to a research degree by published work programme.


The Department must notify the research student and the Graduate School Office in writing should it be necessary to change the allocated academic adviser(s) after a formal offer of admission has been made. The Head of Department or their nominee shall be responsible for making alternative academic adviser arrangements.

Conflicts of interest


Academic advisers should not be allocated to, or be allowed to remain allocated to, a research student with whom they have or have had a close personal or professional relationship.


The academic adviser must declare to the Head of Department or their nominee any close personal or professional relationship they have or have had with the research student. The Head of Department or their nominee shall be responsible for making alternative academic adviser arrangements.

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