Codes of practice
The University's codes of practice contain details of policy and good practice on a range of academic matters. The codes are reviewed and reissued annually. Any significant changes are approved by the Education Committee.
The Code of Practice for Admissions (PDF, 169kb) sets out the principles and practice which underpin the University's admissions process for all programmes. It includes:
- Core principles and responsibilities
- Criteria for selection
- Responsibilities of the University and applicants
- Appeals and Complaints processes
Annual Programme Review and Periodic Development and Enhancement Review
The University of Leicester has a process for the regular monitoring and periodic review of the teaching and learning in academic departments. The Code of Practice for Annual Programme and Periodic Development and Enhancement Review (PDF, 234kb) includes policy and guidance about the review processes.
The Code of Practice is split into two sections, as follows:
Section A - Annual Programme Review
The University requires each academic school to conduct an annual review of its teaching provision (undergraduate and taught postgraduate programmes). Each school produces annually a written evaluation report for scrutiny at School and College-level by the School and College Education Committees. A summary of the College Education Committee's discussions and any recommendations it makes are reported to the University's Quality and Standards Sub-Committee. This Committee has overall responsibility for the management of the Annual Programme Review process and the assurance and enhancement of academic quality and standards across the University.
Further information regarding the annual review process, including guidance and templates, is available on the Annual Programme Review intranet page (staff login required).
Section B - Periodic Development and Enhancement Review
The University conducts a rolling 6 year programme of Periodic Development and Enhancement Reviews to monitor the quality of teaching and learning within its academic departments. Each Review is conducted under the Terms of Reference of the Academic Policy Committee and focuses on the quality assurance and assessment mechanisms which underpin student teaching, learning and assessment.
The Periodic Development and Enhancement Review process has been suspended for the 2024/25 academic year.
Further information regarding this review process, including timeline and useful resources, is available on the Periodic Development and Enhancement Review intranet page (staff login required).
The Code of Practice on Apprenticeships (PDF, 804kb) sets out the University's requirements for its management of Higher and Degree apprenticeship provision. The Code applies to all programmes of study where an apprenticeship standard is employed.
The purpose of this Codes is to ensure that the University:
- Has clear procedures for developing and managing arrangements for delivering apprenticeships with employers
- Has mechanisms in place to ensure that risks are properly assessed and reviewed on a periodic basis
- Has in place appropriate governance arrangements for apprenticeship provision as set by the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) and the Office for Standards in Education (OFSTED)
- Is able to meet the requirements of the UK Quality Code for Higher Education and the
University’s internal processes for the assurance of academic quality and standards.
Freedom of speech
The University regards it as a fundamental principle of its existence as an independent academic institution that freedom of speech within the law should be respected on its premises and in all its activities.
Managing Higher Education provision with others
The Code of Practice on Managing Higher Education Provision with Others (PDF, 734kb) includes policy and guidance on the University framework for the management of collaborative provision and the maintenance of its academic standards.
Learn more about our quality assurance arrangements for ensuring collaborative partnerships meet the university standards and expectations.
Personal Tutoring
The Code of Practice on Personal Tutoring (PDF, 259Kb) sets out the principles and operation of the Personal Tutor system within the University, including the roles and responsibilities of Personal Tutors.
Programme development and approval
The Code of Practice on Programme Development and Approval (PDF, 265kb) describes the formal processes of programme development and programme approval. It includes policy and guidance on:
- initial programme development
- submissions to the College Programme and Portfolio Development Group and College Business Group
- documentation required for the Programme Approval process
- constitution and conduct of Programme Approval Panels
The Code should be read in conjunction with the Student Protection Plan.
Students' Union
The Education Act 1994 regulates the operation of students' Unions and their relationships with the university authorities and students. It requires universities to publicise the arrangements for implementing the Act by means of a Code of Practice. For the University of Leicester, the Code of Practice is made up of the following two documents, both of which are printed in full below:
- a) Ordinance 22 of the University
- b) Other Regulations Concerning the Students' Union
Read the full Code of Practice governing the Student's Union
Work of student staff committees
The Code of Practice on the Work of Student Staff Committees (PDF, 236kb) contains policy and guidance about the operation of student staff committees. It includes descriptions of the role and scope of student staff committees, the responsibilities of their members and expectations about their operation.