Dr Xin Li
Lecturer in Biomedical Engineering

School/Department: Engineering, School of
Telephone: +44 (0)116 229 7380
Address: E1001, Engineering Building
I am a Lecturer in Biomedical Engineering jointly appointed at the School of Engineering and Department of Cardiovascular Sciences.
I obtained BEng in Electrical Information Engineering from the University of Science and Technology Beijing 2011 and MSc in Electrical Electronic Engineering from the University of Leeds in 2012. I completed my PhD in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Leicester in 2016. I worked as Research Associate from 2016 and Lecturer from October 2019.
Research Interests
My research interest focuses on digital signal processing and intelligent algorithms of biological and biomedical signals:
Improving target identification for catheter ablation using advanced signal processing techniques and intelligent algorithms for human persistent atrial fibrillation
Algorithms development for novel ECG risk makers for sudden cardiac death
Machine learning Classification and Regression
Recurrent Quantification Analysis
Mapping and Cardiac Arrythmias
Body surface potential mapping
Electrocardiogram (ECG) analysis
Wearable Medical Devices and remote monitoring
Long Chen; Zheheng Jiang; Joseph Barker; Huiyu Zhou; Fernando S. Schlindwein; Will Nicolson; G. Andre Ng; Xin Li., "ECGVEDNET: A Variational Encoder-Decoder Network for ECG Delineation in Morphology Variant ECGs," in IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, doi: 10.1109/TBME.2024.3363077.
Joseph Barker*, Xin Li*, Ahmed Kotb, Akash Mavilakandy, Ibrahim Antoun, Chokanan Thaitirarot, Ivelin Koev, Sharon Man, Fernando S Schlindwein, Harshil Dhutia, Shui Hao Chin, Ivan Tyukin, William B Nicolson, G Andre Ng, Artificial intelligence for ventricular arrhythmia capability using ambulatory electrocardiograms, European Heart Journal - Digital Health, 2024;, ztae004,
X. Li, F. S. Schlindwein, J. Zhao, M. Bishop, and G. A. Ng, "Editorial: Exploring mechanisms of cardiac rhythm disturbances using novel computational methods: Prediction, classification, and therapy," , Frontiers in Physiology, Editorial vol. 14, 2023-February-10 2023, doi: 10.3389/fphys.2023.1155857.
Joseph Barker, Xin Li, Sarah Khavandi, David Koeckerling, Akash Mavilakandy, Coral Pepper, Vasiliki Bountziouka, Long Chen, Ahmed Kotb, Ibrahim Antoun, John Mansir, Karl Smith-Byrne, Fernando S Schlindwein, Harshil Dhutia, Ivan Tyukin, William B Nicolson, G Andre Ng, Machine learning in sudden cardiac death risk prediction: a systematic review, EP Europace, 2022;, euac135,
Ehnesh M, Li X, Almeida TP, Chu GS, Dastagir N, Stafford PJ, et al. Evaluating spatial disparities of rotor sites and high dominant frequency regions during catheter ablation for PersAF patients targeting high dominant frequency sites using non-contacting mapping. Front. Physiol, 2022, Vol 13, doi: 10.3389/fphys.2022.946718.
Chu, G. S*., X. Li*, P. J. Stafford, F. J. Vanheusden, J. L. Salinet, T. P. Almeida, N. Dastagir, A. J. Sandilands, P. Kirchhof, F. S. Schlindwein and G. A. Ng.Simultaneous Whole-Chamber Non-contact Mapping of Highest Dominant Frequency Sites During Persistent Atrial Fibrillation: A Prospective Ablation Study. Front. Physiol, 2022, Vol 13. doi:10.3389/fphys.2022.826449
Pooranachandran V, Nicolson W, Vali Z, Li X, Ng G. Non-invasive markers for sudden cardiac death risk stratification in dilated cardiomyopathy. Heart, 20 October 2021. doi: 10.1136/heartjnl-2021-319971
Z. Jiang, F. Zhou, A. Zhao, X. Li, L. Li, D. Tao, X. Li, H. Zhou, "Muti-view Mouse Social Behaviour Recognition with Deep Graphic Model," in IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2021, doi: 10.1109/TIP.2021.3083079.
Li, X., Chu, G.S, Almeida, T.P., Vanheusden F.J., Salinet, J., Dastagir, N., Mistry, A. R., Vali, Z, Sidhu B, Starfford, P. J., Schlindwein, F.S., Ng, G.A., 2021. Automatic Extraction of Recurrent Patterns of High Dominant Frequency Mapping during Human Persistent Atrial Fibrillation. Front. Physiol, 2021 Vol. 12 Issue 286, DOI: 10.3389/fphys.2021.649486
Almeida, T.; Soriano, D.; Mase, M.; Ravelli, F.; Bezerra, A.; Li, X.; Chu, G.; Salinet, J.; Stafford, P.; Andre Ng, G.; Schlindwein, F.; Yoneyama, T. Unsupervised Classification of Atrial Electrograms for Electroanatomic Mapping of Human Persistent Atrial Fibrillation. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 2020, 1–1.
Li, X., Almeida, T.P., Dastagir, N., Guillem, M.S., Salinet, J., Chu, G.S., Stafford, P.J., Schlindwein, F.S., Ng, G.A., 2020. Standardizing Single-Frame Phase Singularity Identification Algorithms and Parameters in Phase Mapping During Human Atrial Fibrillation. Front. Physiol. 11, 869. doi:
Almeida, T.P., Li, X., Soriano, D.C., Schlindwein, F.S. and Ng, G.A. (2020), Pitfalls in the definition of complex fractionated atrial electrograms for atrial fibrillation studies. J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol, 31: 373-374. doi:10.1111/jce.14302
Mistry A, Vali Z, Sidhu B, Budgeon C, Yuyun MF, Pooranachandran V, Li X, Newton M, Watts J, Khunti K, Samani NJ and Ng GA. Disparity in implantable cardioverter defibrillator therapy among minority South Asians in the United Kingdom. Heart. 2020:heartjnl-2019-315978.
2019 and before
O’Shea, Holmes, Yu, Winter, Wells, Correia, Boukens, Chu, Li, Ng, Kirchhof, Fabritz, Rajpoot, Pavlovic, ElectroMap: High-throughput open-source software for analysis and mapping of cardiac electrophysiology, Scientific Reports - Nature 2019;9:1389.
Vanheusden FJ, Chu GS, Li X, Salinet J, Almeida TP, Dastagir N, et al. Systematic differences of non-invasive dominant frequency estimation compared to invasive dominant frequency estimation in atrial fibrillation.Comput Biol Med. 2019;104:299-309.
Mistry, A, Vali, Z, Taher, A, Sidhu, B, Li, X, Newton, M, & Ng, G. A (2019). Consideration for primary prevention implantable cardioverter defibrillators differ between specialities.Postgraduate Medical Journal, 95(1122), 205 LP-209
Ng GA, Mistry A, Li X, Schlindwein FS, Nicolson WB. LifeMap: towards the development of a new technology in sudden cardiac death risk stratification for clinical use. Europace. 2018;20(FI2):f162-f70.
Almeida TP, Schlindwein FS, Salinet J, Li X, Chu GS, Tuan JH, et al. Characterization of human persistent atrial fibrillation electrograms using recurrence quantification analysis. Chaos. 2018;28(8).
Almeida TP, Chu GS, Li X, Dastagir N, Tuan JH, Stafford PJ, Schlindwein FS, Ng GA. Atrial electrogram fractionation distribution before and after pulmonary vein isolation in human persistent atrial fibrillation - a retrospective multivariate statistical analysis. Front Physiol 8:589:1-12 doi: 10.3389/fphys.2017.00589
Almeida TP, Chu GS, Bell MJ, Li X, Salinet JL, Dastagir N, Tuan JH, Stafford PJ, André Ng G, Schlindwein FS. The temporal behavior and consistency of bipolar atrial electrograms in human persistent atrial fibrillation. Med Biol Eng Comput. 2017.
Salinet JL, Schindwein FS, Stafford PJ,Almeida TP, Li X, Vanheusden FJ, et al. Propagation of Meandering Rotors Surrounded by High Dominant Frequency Areas in Persistent Atrial Fibrillation.Heart Rhythm. 2017
Li X, Salinet JL, Almeida TP, Vanheusden FJ, Chu GS, Ng GA, et al.An interactive platform to guide catheter ablation in human persistent atrial fibrillation using dominant frequency, organization and phase mapping. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. 2017;141:83-92.
Almeida TP, Chu GS, Salinet JL, Vanheusden FJ, Li X, Tuan JH, et al. Minimizing discordances in automated classification of fractionated electrograms in human persistent atrial fibrillation. Med Biol Eng Comput. 2016;54(11):1695-706.
I am looking for talented self-motivated PhD students and researchers to work in the field of intelligent biomedical signal processing in complex cardiac arrhythmias. If you're interested feel free to contact me.
Mohamed Rumi Ismail (PT) - 2021 -
Noor N Qaqos 2022 -
Ekenedirichukwu Obianom 2022
Shamsu Abdullahi 2023-
Fan Feng 2023-
MScs (ENG):
Last Name First Name
Venkatachalam Arun Prasanth
Kancharla Gopala Krishna
Takalkar Saili Sunil
Shaik Farooq
Suresh Parvathy
Thirumala Udayasree
iMScs (Meidcal):
Zobia Wadi
Dr Sharon Man
Dr Zheheng Jiang
Dr Long Chen
MSCs (Engineering):
Xuanlin Chen - 2020 - Distinction & best student award
Snehal Sanjay Shevate - 2020
BSCs (Medical): LUMRS Link projects
Jason R Armstrong - started 2021
Marcus O Panchal - started 2021
Ibrahim A Nasser - started 2021
Jakevir S Shoker - started 2021
Visiting students:
Jack Hall - started 2021
EG1006 - Engineering Design and Experimentation – Academic Lead
EG7020 - MSc Individual Project
BS3X00 - 3rd year projects (School of Biological Sciences)
EG3005 - Individual Project - 3rd year Engineering projects
EG1201 Electrical & Electronic Engineering (Internal Assessor)
EG2321 Computational Engineering Methods - Module Convenor
iMSc Medical Research (Intercalated)
EG2004 - Engineering Experimentation and Analysis – Academic Lead
CTGU04 Communications
CTGU05 Automatic Control Theory
CTGU10 Signals and Systems
CTGU11 Electromagnetism
CTGU12 Electrical Engineering
Press and media
Call for Papers
Submissions are welcome to our research topic in Frontiers in Physiology on Computational Methods in Cardiac rhythm disturbances.
Deadline: 01 Nov2023
School of Engineering Plagiarism Officer
School of Engineering Appeals panel members
Session Chair at Computing in Cardiology 2022
Grant reviewer of Medical Research Council (MRC)
Grant Reviewer of Northern Ireland Chest Heart & Stroke: NICHS
Reviewer for Expert Systems With Applications
Reviewer Editor for Computational Physiology and Medicine, Frontiers in Physiology
Reviewer of IEEE trans Biomedical Engineering
Reviewer of IPEM-Translation
Research Topic Editor of Frontiers in Physiology
Guest Associate Editor in Cardiac Electrophysiology, Frontiers in Physiology
Reviewer Editor for Information Theory, Frontiers in Network Physiology
Reviewer of MDPI journals
Membership of European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA)
Grants and awards
BHF Accelerator ECR Interdisciplinary Fellowship : LifeMap-VR: utilizing virtual reality for enhanced cardiac stress testing and risk stratification for sudden cardiac death. 2023/24, £63k (PI).
MRC IAA Funding: Bench testing and refinement of an ultra-cost-effective heart rhythm monitoring solution prototype. 2023/24, £66k (PI).
National Institute for Health Research: - LifeMap – Quality-assurance User-focussed Evaluation of Safety and Tolerability (LifeMap-QUEST) : developing LifeMap-Vest and LifeMap-Compute for exercise assessment with optimised digital ECG recording for sudden death risk stratification. £ 840k 2023/25 (CI)
Knowledge Exchange, Impact and Proof of Concept Fund 2022-23. £4k, 2023 (PI)
LD3 MRC IAA Funding: Developing an ultra-low-cost heart rhythm monitoring solution for remote consultations and telemedicine using peripheral attachments to smart phones, PCs or tablets. 2022, £72k (PI).
Knowledge Exchange Impact and Proof of Concept fund: Towards utilising a novel non-invasive test for risk stratification for sudden cardiac death. 2022. £5.5k (CI).
The van Geest Heart and Cardiovascular Diseases Research Fund. "Deep learning methods for early detection of myocardial ischemia using digital and paper ECGs", 2020/21, £11.8k (PI)
MRC Confidence in Concept funds 2020 (Leicester Drug Discovery and Diagnostics (LD3)): Optimising deep neural networks for fully automating a novel technology for risk stratification of sudden cardiac death. 2020/21. £43k (CI)
ECR and research staff funding - Doctoral College - Short-term visiting grants, 2019. £4k (PI)
IAX Events and Meetings Funding. ‘’Industrial meeting: Intelligent systems for target identification of catheter ablation in atrial fibrillation’’ 2019. £1k (PI)
Biomedical Catalyst DPFS Developmental Pathway Funding (MR/S00582X/1). ‘’Development of a successful novel technology for sudden cardiac death risk stratification for clinical use – LifeMap’’ 2019/22. £1m (NC)
British Heart Foundation Project Grant (PG/18/33/33780). “Improving target identification for catheter ablation using dominant frequency and rotor analysis in human persistent atrial fibrillation using non-contact mapping” 2018/20. £93k (NC)
MRC Confidence in Concept funds 2019 (Leicester Drug Discovery and Diagnostics (LD3)): Deep learning for refining LifeMap - a new technology for risk stratification of sudden cardiac death, 2019/20. £43k (CI)
MRC Confidence in Concept funds 2017 (Leicester Drug Discovery and Diagnostics (LD3)): Towards commercialising LifeMap as a novel clinical tool for assessing risk of sudden cardiac death, 2017/18. £42k (NC)
MRC Proximity to Discovery (P2D): Adhoc Industry Engagement Activities. Improving efficacy of catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation, 2016/17. £3k (PI)
Journal Paper selected as Editor's Choice - Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine - April 2017 - An interactive platform to guide catheter ablation in human persistent atrial fibrillation using dominant frequency, organization and phase mapping.
Young Investigator Competition Finalist at Heart Rhythm Congress 2017 “Characteristics of Ablated Rotors in Terminating Persistent Atrial Fibrillation using Non-Contact Mapping”, Xin Li, Gavin S Chu, Tiago P Almeida, João L Salinet, Nawshin Dastagir, Amar R Mistry, Zakariyya Vali, Peter J Stafford, Fernando S Schlindwein, G André Ng
*(PI: principle investigator; CI: co-investigator; NC: named candidate)