I am an expert in international law and dispute resolution, specialising in Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS), international arbitration and adjudicatory independence and impartiality. I served as Treasurer to the Cypriot Branch of the International Law Association (ILA) and Branch representative to the ILA Executive Council. I was also a member to the ILA Rule of Law and International Investment Law Committee.
My PhD research focused on the connection between decision-makers and law evolution. It investigated the impact of repeatedly appointed arbitrators in the development of international investment law by using social network analysis to empirically evaluate the development of the fair and equitable treatment standard through case-law.
Before joining academia, I worked for the European Commission, the Permanent Mission of Cyprus to the United Nations New York Headquarters and the Attorney General’s Office in Cyprus on issues of international law, EU law, administrative law and legal aid.
My research areas are:
- Public international Law
- International Investment Law
- Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanisms (ADR)
- International Arbitration
- Independence and Impartiality
- Social Network Analysis
- Legal Education
My legal research is both empirical and doctrinal. During my PhD I conducted a social network analysis of case-law citations to determine the extent to which individual arbitrators impact the evolution of the fair and equitable standard and the citation approaches of the wider arbitral community regarding influential case-law.
I am currently writing book chapter on the independence and impartiality of international arbitrators as rule of law requirements in the contemporary practice of international investment law and a journal article on enhancing student engagement with feedback.
- Valentina Dimitriou, ‘Independence and Impartiality’ in Andrea Bjorklund and Andreas Ziegler, The Rule of Law and International Investment Law (forthcoming)
- Constitutional and Administrative Law LW1120
- Law, Justice and Society LW1172
Press and media
I am happy be contacted by press and the media on issues of public international law, international investment law and international arbitration, dispute resolution mechanisms, judicial and arbitral appointments and issues of independence and impartiality.