
Professor Umesh Kadam

Professor of Primary Care and Public Health Research

School/Department: Population Health Sciences, Department of

Telephone: +44 (0)775 685 5307



As a clinician and a researcher I am interested in people who experience several different diseases at the same time and the development over the life course.

My research aims:
to understand patient and carer perspectives and develop ways of how they can manage them better together;
to help healthcare professionals deal with conflicts created when managing patients with several conditions in order in make better decisions and tailor treatments;
to understand how local and national health policy influences the care pathways of individual diseases and when patients and carers are engaged in several at the same time, and when there is a balance between getting the best out of a healthcare system with the cost constraints that we face.


The multi-disciplinary programme covers clinical and pharmaco-epidemiology of cardiovascular and cardio-metabolic disease (particularly heart failure and diabetes) and chronic diseases of ageing (particularly osteoarthritis). A strong focus is on a service-academic partnership model including CCGs and public health, with national and international collaborations.

The programme has been funded by the Royal Society, MRC, NIHR and NIHR School for Primary Care Research. National memberships include the Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD) ISAC committee, NIHR HS&DR and Fellowship panels.

My programme supports the development of clinical and non-clinical academic careers, especially through competitive Fellowship funding and I focus on training relating to diabetes, heart failure, public health and epidemiologic methods.


Lawson CA, Zaccardi F, Squire I, Okhai H, Davies M, Huang W, Mamas M, Lam  CSP, Khunti K, Kadam UT. Risk Factors for Heart Failure: 20-Year Population-Based Trends  by Sex, Socioeconomic Status, and Ethnicity. Circulation Heart Failure 2020 Feb. 13(2):e006472. DOI: 10.1161/CIRCHEARTFAILURE.119.006472. [Epub 2020 Feb 14]. PMID : 32059630

Lawson CA, Jones PW, Teece L, Dubar SB, Seferovic PM, Khunti K, Mamas M, Kadam UT. Association Between Type 2 Diabetes and All-Cause Hospitalization and Mortality in the UK General Heart Failure Population: Stratification by Diabetic  Glycemic Control and Medication Intensification. JACC Heart Fail 2018;6 (1): 18-26

Kadam UT, Lawson CA, Moody DK, Teece L, Uttley J, Harvey J, Iqbal Z, Jones PW. Consumer segmentation and time interval between types of hospital admission: a clinical linkage database study. J Public Health (Oxf) 2018;40(1):154-162.

Kadam UT, Uttley J, Jones PW, Iqbal Z. Chronic disease multimorbidity transitions across healthcare interfaces and associated costs: a clinical-linkage database study. BMJ Open 2013;3(7). pii: e003109.

Kadam UT, Blagojevic M, Belcher J. Statin use and clinical osteoarthritis in the general population: a longitudinal study. J Gen Intern Med 2013;28(7):943-9.

Kadam UT. Redesigning the general practice consultation to improve care for patients with multimorbidity. BMJ 2012;345:e6202.

Kadam UT. Potential health impacts of multiple drug prescribing for older people: a case-control study. Br J Gen Pract 2011;61(583):128-30.

Kadam UT, Schellevis FG, Lewis M, van der Windt DA, de Vet HC, Bouter LM, Croft PR. Does age modify the relationship between morbidity severity and physical health in English and Dutch family practice populations? Qual Life Res 2009;18(2):209-20.

Kadam UT, Croft PR; North Staffordshire GP Consortium Group. Clinical multimorbidity and physical function in older adults: a record and health status linkage study in general practice. Fam Pract 2007;24(5):412-9.

Kadam UT, Croft P, Lewis M. Use of a cross-sectional survey to estimate outcome of health care: the example of anxiety and depression. J Clin Epidemiol 2001;54(11):1112-9.


Big Data; Data Science; Epidemiology; Public Health


Teach undergraduates and postgraduates - research skills and career development

Press and media

Data Science; Chronic Disease Epidemiology; Public Health


The research programme has been funded by the Royal Society MRC NIHR and NIHR School for Primary Care Research. National memberships include the Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD) ISAC committee NIHR HS&DR and Advanced Fellowship panels.


Visiting Professor (University of Siena)


Health and Social Care Data Integration; Industry collaborations


MB ChB (Birmingham) MRCGP (London) MPhil & PhD (Keele) MSc (LSHTM) FFPH

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