
Professor Tony Lawson

Emeritus Professor of Education

School/Department: Education, School of

Telephone: +44 (0)770 464 3405



Tony is Emeritus Professor of Education. He was the Academic Director for the College of Social Sciences for three years and led the PGCE Social Science course for twenty-three. Tony has held various responsibilities in Advanced level examining from Chief Examiner to member of the Standing Advisory Committee at AQA. He was President of the Association for the Teaching of the Social Sciences for 12 years. He is also a Peincipal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.


My research was focused on three areas; ICT in the classroom with a particular interest in videoconferencing; mentoring and coaching especially in regard to teacher education; and power in education. Funders of my research have included Becta the Esmee Fairbairn Foundation Moorhouse Black and the TEMPUS programme of the European Union. I have been involved in several international research collaborations with colleagues in the Slovak Republic; Turkiye; and Egypt Lebanon Palestine Malta and Sweden.


Burgess, H., Lawson, T., Wilkins, C., and Forsythe, S. (2015) Building research partnerships through a European Union-funded TEMPUS Project: Capacity development of faculties of education in international approaches to teacher education (CDFEIATE) Research Intelligence 127, 16-17.

Lawson, T., Melek, M., Gündüz, M., and Busher, H. (2015) Research on the teaching practicum: a systematic review European Journal of Teacher Education 38(3) 392-407. 

Busher, H., Gündüz, M., Cakmak, M. and Lawson, T. (2015) Student teachers' views of school training placements (practicums) in Turkish and English policy contexts: a comparative study Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 45(3) 445-466.

Lawson, T. and Comber, C. (2014) Videoconferencing and learning in the classroom: the effects of being an Orphan Technology? The International Journal of Technologies in Learning 20 (1) 69-79.

Comber, C. and Lawson, T. (2013) Sustaining technological innovation: The example of videoconferencing in English schools. Education and Information Technologies 18 (4) 641-659.

Lawson, T. (2012) 'Assessing Students' in: S. Dymoke (2nd ed.) Reflective Teaching and Learning London, Sage.

Lawson, T. (2011) Empowerment: liberation, governance or distraction? A review. Power and Education 3 (2) 89-103. Online:

Lawson, T. (2010) Sustained Classroom Observation: what does it reveal about changing teaching practices? Journal of Further and Higher Education, 35 (3) 317-337.

Lawson, T., Comber, C., Gage, J. & Cullum-Hanshaw, A. (2010) Images of the future for education? Videoconferencing: a literature review Technology, Pedagogy and Education  19 (3) 295-313.

Lawson, T. & Comber, C. (2010) Videoconferencing in English Schools: One technology, many pedagogies? Technology, Pedagogy and Education 19 (3) 315-326. Chosen as Editors' Choice for the Routledge Education Arena's Educational Media & Technology Selection.


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Principal Fellow of the HEA
Keynote speaker at Conferences in Iceland and Mexico
Awarded top grades for the PGCE Social Science course in an HMI Inspection
Superstar award from the Students Union
Member of the Crick Committee on Post-16 Citizenship Education

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