
Dr Subir Bose

Associate Professor Economics

School/Department: Business, School of



I have a PhD in Economics from Yale University. I have held academic posts in various US universities and then in the University of Leicester UK since 2008. My research and teaching are broadly in the area of economic theory and particularly in the areas of game theory auctions finance mechanism design industrial organization.


My main research activities so far have been on theoretical research and hence self-funded but I have recently become very interested in experimental economics and consequently in grant applications.


"The Effect of Hormones on Financial Market Stability" International Review of Financial Analysis, (with D Ladley, and X Lin) 2020

"Mechanism Design with Ambiguous Communication Devices" (with Ludovic Renou) Econometrica, 82, No. 5 (September, 2014), 1853-1872

"A dynamic mechanism and surplus extraction under ambiguity" (with Arup Daripa), Journal of Economic Theory, September 2009, vol 144, Issue 5, 2084-2114


I am happy to supervise PhD students working on a broad range of topics in economic theory more pure theory and applied. In particular interested in areas of industrial organization finance game theory auctions.


Currently I teach undergraduate modules and PhD training. I teach the first year Microeconomics and third year Managerial Economics module. I also teach the Research Method for Economics PhD. In the past I have taught PhD Microeconomics and several PGT modules (Game Theory Regulation of Business amongst others).

Press and media

I would be happy to talk about issues that are related to my fields of research and study as listed above.

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