
Professor Stephen Hall

Professor of Economics

School/Department: Business, School of

Telephone: +44 (0)116 252 2827



Professor of Economics at Leicester University Visiting Professor at Pretoria University. Advisor to the Bank of Greece.


Macroeconomics and Econometrics with a special emphasis on empirical macroeconomic models


Cross-Country Spillovers of National Financial Markets and the Effectiveness of ECB Policies During the Euro-Area Crisis: The View from the South with Gibson H.D., GeFang D., Pavlos P. and Tavlas G.S., Oxford Economic Papers. 2021

A Suggestion for a Dynamic Multi Factor Model (DMFM) with G.S.Tavlas, H. Gibson. Macroeconomic Dynamics. 2020

The Effect of Emergency Liquidity Assistance (ELA) on Bank Lending during the Euro area Crises with Heather Gibson, George Tavlas, Pavlos Petrolas and Vasilis Spiliotopoulos, Journal of International Money and Finance, vol 8 2020

A Monte Carlo Study of Time Varying Coefficient (TVC) Estimation with H.D. Gibson, G.S. Tavlas and  M.G. Tsionis. Computational Economics ) 56:115-130 2020

Government Revenue and Child and Maternal Mortality with Illiam J., Makuta I, McNabb K., Murray S., O'Hare B., Python A., Shah H. and Bar-Zee N. Open Economies 2020

Public Money Creation to Maintain Fundamental Human Rights during the COVID-19 Pandemic with Chimowa T and O'Hare B, Harvard Health and Human rights Journal. Vol 22/1 2020

Global Safe Assets, International Reserves and Capital Flow with G.S.Tavlas, H. Gibson and P Petroulas, Journal of International Money and Finance. 2019

Does Foreign Aid play a role in the maintenance of Economic Growth? A non-Linear Analysis with Nermeen Harb, The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 73 (2019) 192-204 

Nonlinear Forecast Combinations: An Example using Euro-Area Real GDP Growth with Tavlas G.S. and Gibson H. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2019

The macroeconomic and fiscal implications of inflation forecast errors with Dellas H., Tavlas G.S and Gibson H. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 2019


Macroeconomics econometrics.


Business and financial forecasting

Press and media



Honorary doctorate from the University of Pretoria

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