
Shrijana Poudel

PhD Student

PhD Student

School/Department: Physics and Astronomy, School of


Address: Space Park Leicester (2.01), Corporation Road, Leicester, LE4 5SP



I am interested in understanding the response of tropical forests to climate change due to disturbances, such as fire, drought, and deforestation. My research involves analysing satellite data, using Earth system models to simulate the Earth’s climate system and applying machine learning techniques. This will enable us to better understand the impact of disturbances in tropical forests, their influence on the global carbon cycle and their response to future climate change.


Anomaly Detection in Burned Area using Isolation Forest - A Case Study of Madagascar, poster presented to National Earth Observation Conference (National STEM Centre, York) in September 2024. 

Investigating the Susceptibility of Tropical Forests to Climate Change using Earth System Modelling, Satellite Remote Sensing and Machine Learning, poster presented to Student Conference on Conservation Science (University of Cambridge) in March 2024.

Predicting Spatial Patterns of Forest Fire using Random Forest Machine Learning Algorithm in the Terai Arc Landscape of Nepal, poster presented to American Geophysical Union (AGU) in January 2024. 

Media coverage


Joint Master's Degree in Sustainable Tropical Forestry (SUTROFOR) from Bangor University, Wales, UK and Technical University of Dresden, Germany (2019-2022) as a part of European Erasmus Mundus Joint Master's Scholarship Program.

Bachelors in Forestry Science from Kathmandu Forestry College (2013-2017), Tribhuwan University, Kathmandu, Nepal. 

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