
Dr Shelly Chapman

Marketing Lecturer

School/Department: Business, School of



I have over 15 years of marketing management experience delivering corporate marketing strategy positioning organisations as leaders in their fields and managing the communication mix. I held senior managerial positions as Head of Marketing for digital marketing agencies and have worked as a consultant for private and public sector organisations. Prior to joining the University of Leicester in September 2017 I worked at Cranfield University School of Management and Nottingham University Business School.


My research focuses on responsible food marketing to young people and children.

Broadly research areas include but are not limited to:

• Marketing to children

• Marketing communications

• Digital marketing

• Online gaming and gamification


Chapman, S., Maklan, S., Nairn, A., Dimitriu, R. and Macdonald, E. (2022 - working paper), Customised Advergames: Effects on Children's Affective, Cognitive and Conative Responses, Journal of Interactive Marketing. 

Chapman, S. and Maklan, S. (2019), Taking Responsibility: The Impact of Customisation in Advergames on Children's Responses and Persuasion Knowledge, Responsible Business Academic Symposium, Birmingham Business School, 12 September, Birmingham. 

Chapman, S., Moisieiev, D. and Dimitriu, R. (2018), Happy for Your Loss: Why Schadenfreude Makes Consumers More Satisfied With Their Choices, European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC): People Make Marketing, 29 May - June 1, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow. 

Chapman, S. and Maklan, S. (2016), Effects of Customised Food Advergames on Children's Affective and Conative Responses, British Academy of Management (BAM): Thriving in Turbulent Times, 6-8 September, Newcastle University Business School. 

Chapman, S., Maklan, S., Nairn, A., Dimitriu, R. and Macdonald, E. (2014), Effects of Customised Advergames on Children's Persuasion Knowledge, Attitudes, and Food Preferences, ISM-Open (Institute for Social Marketing), Social Marketing and Socially Responsible Management: Broadening the Scope, Open University, Milton Keynes.


I am interested to supervise doctoral students in the areas of my research interests as stated above.


MN7529: International Marketing (PG Distance Learning) - Module lead

MN7569: Foundations of Knowledge (Marketing) (PG Distance Learning) - Module Lead

MN7331: International Marketing (PG Campus Based) - Module Lead

MN7008: Foundations of International Marketing (PG Campus based) - Teaching team

MN7020: Dissertation (PG Campus based) - Module Lead

Press and media

Advergames and online gaming

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