
Professor Ronney Panerai

Emeritus Professor

School/Department: Cardiovascular Sciences, Department of

Telephone: +44 (0)758 337 9741



Born in April 1947 in Porto Alegre Brazil. First degree in Electronic Engineering (1970) followed by MSc in Biomedical Engineering from COPPE/ Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1973)and PhD in Engineering Applied to Medicine (Imperial College London 1978). Member of the Biomedical Engineering Program (COPPE/UFRJ) from 1978 to 1991. Visiting Professor University of Virginia (US) 1984/85. Senior Lecturer Division of Medical Physics University of Leicester (UK) (1991-2000) Professor of Physiological Measurement (Leicester 2000-2012). Honorary Consultant NHS Department of Medical Physics University Hospitals of Leicester (1991-2012).


Physiological measurement and application of signal processing and modelling techniques to studies of cerebrovascular regulation in health and disease.


Panerai RB, Haunton VJ, Llwyd O, Minhas JS, Katsogridakis E, Salinet AS,
Maggio P, Robinson TG 2021Cerebral critical closing pressure and resistance-area
product: the influence of dynamic cerebral autoregulation, age, and sex. J Cereb
Blood Flow Metab. 41:2456-2469.

Claassen JAHR, Thijssen DHJ, Panerai RB, Faraci FM 2021 Regulation of Cerebral
Blood Flow in Humans: Physiology and Clinical Implications of Autoregulation. Physiol Rev 101:1487-1559.

Panerai RB, Batterham A, Robinson TG, Haunton VJ 2021 Determinants of cerebral blood flow velocity changes during squat-stand maneuvers. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol Feb 3 PMIC:33533312

Panerai RB, Minhas JS, Llwyd O, Salinet ASM, Katsogridakis E, Maggio P, Robinson TG 2020 The critical closing pressure contribution to dynamic cerebral autoregulation in humans: influence of arterial partial pressure of CO2. J Physiol. 598(24):5673-5685. 

Panerai RB, Intharakham K, Minhas JS, Llwyd O, Salinet ASM, Katsogridakis E, Maggio P, Robinson TG. COHmax: an algorithm to maximise coherence in estimates of dynamic cerebral autoregulation. Physiol Meas. 2020 Sep 4;41(8):085003.
Panerai RB, Intharakham K, Haunton VJ, Minhas JS, Llwyd O, Lam M, Salinet ASM, Nogueira RC, Katsogridakis E, Maggio P, Robinson TG 2020 Chasing the evidence: the influence of data segmentation on estimates of dynamic cerebral autoregulation. Physiol Meas 2020 Apr 17: 41(3):035006

Panerai RB, Robinson TG, Minhas JS 2019 The upper frequency limit of dynamic cerebral autoregulation. Journal of Physiology (London) 597:5821-5833

Panerai RB, Hanby MF, Robinson TG, Hainton VJ 2019 Altenative representation of neural activation in multivariate models of neurovascular coupling in humans. J Neurophysiol 122:833-843.

Panerai RB, Haunton VJ, Minhas JS, Robinson TG. Inter-subject analysis of transfer function coherence in studies of dynamic cerebral autoregulation. Physiol Meas. 2018 Dec 21;39(12):125006

Panerai RB, Barnes SC, Nath M, Ball N, Robinson TG, Haunton VJ 2018 Directional sensitivity of dynamic cerebral autoregulation in squat-stand maneuvers. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 315:R730-R740.


Physiological measurement signal processing and modelling techniques applied to studies of cerebrovascular regulation.


Not teaching at the moment

Press and media

Physiological measurement signal processing and modelling techniques applied to studies of cerebrovascular regulation.


Member of the International Cerebral Autoregulation Research Network (CARNet) Americal Physiological Society International Society on Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism (ISCBFM)


1987 Young Scientist Award from the Organization of American States (Washington USA)

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