
Prof Richard Craggs

Lecturer in Computing, Dean of Personal Tutoring

Prof Richard Craggs

School/Department: Computing and Mathematic Sciences, School of

Telephone: +44 (0)116 252 3440



I joined University of Leicester in 2014 after a decade in the software industry as a developer and project manager. Before that I completed a PhD in Artificial Intelligence and Computational Linguistics at The University of Manchester. 

As Director of Learning and Teaching in the School of Informatics I led and supported colleagues to significant improvements in in quality of our teaching and student support. Our achievements included a 21% increase in student satisfaction (measured by the National Student Survey) and a 10% increase in the number of students to successfully completed their first year.

As Dean of Personal Tutoring for our university I lead and support tutoring throughout all of our academic schools. Successes in this role include the introduction of a Code of Practice on Personal Tutoring, improvements to tutoring infrastructure and guidance and training in Mental Health Awareness.


As a teaching focussed lecturer my research focuses on enhancement of teaching practices. My particular areas of interest are the role of assessment and feedback on student learning and ways in which we can improve learning while reducing student stress through changes to how we assess.


I teach on our Computer Science and Software Engineering Courses.

Currently I teach:

CO2201: Software Engineering Project

CO3201: Computer Science Project

Press and media

Assessment and grading

Student wellbeing in Higher Education


University Distinguished Teaching Fellow

Senior Fellow of Higher Education Academy

Best Personal Tutor 2022 (Student Unions' Superstar Awards)

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