Dr Philip Lynch
Associate Professor
School/Department: History Politics and International Relations, School of
Telephone: +44 (0)116 252 2712
My main research focus is on Brexit and on the Conservative Party. I am particularly interested in the Conservative Party and European integration. Recent publications examine Conservative policy and divisions on European integration; the UK Parliament and Brexit; and party competition between the Conservatives and UKIP.
I have worked on an ESRC-funded project on Parties Parliament and the Brexit Process with Adam Cygan and Richard Whitaker. This project was part of the ESRC's UK in a Changing Europe programme.
Journal articles
(2021) 'Unity and divisions on departmental select committees: a Brexit effect?', British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 23:3, pp.471-87, with Richard Whitaker.
(2020) 'UK parliamentary scrutiny of the EU political and legal space after Brexit', Journal of Common Market Studies, 58:6, pp.1605-20, with Adam Cygan and Richard Whitaker.
(2019) 'Select committees and Brexit: parliamentary influence in a divisive policy area', Parliamentary Affairs, 72:4, pp.923-44, with Richard Whitaker.
(2018) 'All Brexiteers now? Brexit, the Conservatives and party change', British Politics, 13:1, pp.31-47, with Richard Whitaker. Associated data are available here.
(2015) 'Conservative modernisation and European integration: from silence to salience and schism', British Politics, Vol.10, No.2, pp.185-203.
(2014) 'Understanding the formation and actions of Eurosceptic groups in the European Parliament: pragmatism, principles and publicity', Government and Opposition, Vol.49, No.2, pp.232-63, with Richard Whitaker.
(2013) 'Rivalry on the right: the Conservatives, the UK Independence Party (UKIP) and the EU issue', British Politics, Vol.8, No.3, pp.285-312, with Richard Whitaker.
(2013) 'Where there is discord, can they bring harmony? Managing intra-party dissent on European integration in the Conservative Party', British Journal of Politics and International Relations, Vol.15, No.3, pp.317-339, with Richard Whitaker.
(2012) 'The UK Independence Party: understanding a niche party's strategy, candidates and supporters', Parliamentary Affairs, 65:4, pp.733-57, with Richard Whitaker and Gemma Loomes.
UK Government and Politics for A-level. 6th edition. [with Paul Fairclough and Toby Cooper] (London: Hodder Education, 2022). Pp.392. ISBN 978-1398345072
Undergraduate Modules: PL3098
The Conservatives: Crisis and Recovery
PL3107 Brexit and British Politics
PL2020 Political Parties in Contemporary Britain