
Dr Philip Lynch

Associate Professor

School/Department: History Politics and International Relations, School of

Telephone: +44 (0)116 252 2712



I have worked at the University of Leicester since 1992. I have a PhD in Politics from the University of Warwick an MA from the University of York and did my undergraduate degree in Politics at the University of Leeds.


My main research focus is on Brexit and on the Conservative Party. I am particularly interested in the Conservative Party and European integration. Recent publications examine Conservative policy and divisions on European integration; the UK Parliament and Brexit; and party competition between the Conservatives and UKIP.

I have worked on an ESRC-funded project on Parties Parliament and the Brexit Process with Adam Cygan and Richard Whitaker. This project was part of the ESRC's UK in a Changing Europe programme. 


Journal articles 

(2021) 'Unity and divisions on departmental select committees: a Brexit effect?', British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 23:3, pp.471-87, with Richard Whitaker.

(2020) 'UK parliamentary scrutiny of the EU political and legal space after Brexit', Journal of Common Market Studies, 58:6, pp.1605-20, with Adam Cygan and Richard Whitaker.

(2019) 'Select committees and Brexit: parliamentary influence in a divisive policy area', Parliamentary Affairs, 72:4, pp.923-44, with Richard Whitaker.

(2018) 'All Brexiteers now? Brexit, the Conservatives and party change', British Politics, 13:1, pp.31-47, with Richard Whitaker. Associated data are available here.

(2015) 'Conservative modernisation and European integration: from silence to salience and schism', British Politics, Vol.10, No.2, pp.185-203.

(2014) 'Understanding the formation and actions of Eurosceptic groups in the European Parliament: pragmatism, principles and publicity', Government and Opposition, Vol.49, No.2, pp.232-63, with Richard Whitaker.

(2013) 'Rivalry on the right: the Conservatives, the UK Independence Party (UKIP) and the EU issue', British Politics, Vol.8, No.3, pp.285-312, with Richard Whitaker.

(2013) 'Where there is discord, can they bring harmony? Managing intra-party dissent on European integration in the Conservative Party', British Journal of Politics and International Relations, Vol.15, No.3, pp.317-339, with Richard Whitaker.

(2012) 'The UK Independence Party: understanding a niche party's strategy, candidates and supporters', Parliamentary Affairs, 65:4, pp.733-57, with Richard Whitaker and Gemma Loomes.


UK Government and Politics for A-level. 6th edition. [with Paul Fairclough and Toby Cooper] (London: Hodder Education, 2022). Pp.392. ISBN  978-1398345072


I would be interested in supervising postgraduate research on Brexit and on the Conservative Party.


Undergraduate Modules: PL3098

The Conservatives: Crisis and Recovery

PL3107 Brexit and British Politics

PL2020 Political Parties in Contemporary Britain

Press and media

The Conservative Party and Brexit


Fellow of the Higher Education Academy

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