Dr Phil Duke
Associate Professor
School/Department: Psychology and Vision Sciences, School of
Telephone: +44 (0)116 229 7180
BA in Psychology from the University of Sheffield
PhD in Visual psychophysics from the University of Sheffield
Post-doctoral Fellow Professor I.P. Howard lab Centre for Vision Research York University Toronto Canada
Post-doctoral Fellow Professor L.M. Wilcox lab Centre for Vision Research York University Toronto Canada
How does the brain achieve visual perception of 3D space? My research aims to provide some answers by identifying elucidating and modelling visual perceptual processes involved.
This work uses psychophysical methods to examine visual perception in human subjects. Broadly my research examines how the visual system uses visual cues to determine the 3D location and shape of surfaces in the world. A particular interest is the question of how disparity information provided by two eyes’ images is used to generate stereoscopic depth perception.
Fuggetta, G. Duke, P.A. (2017). Enhancing links between visual short term memory, visual attention and cognitive control processes through practice: An electrophysiological insight. Biological Psychology.
Parwaga, S., Buckley, D. & Duke, P.A. (2016). Tilt representation beyond the retinotopic level. Journal of Vision. 16(11).1-13. doi:10.1167/16.3.11 IF 2.393
Fuggetta, G. Bennett, M. Duke, P.A. & Young, A.M.J. (2014). Quantitative electroencephalography as a biomarker for proneness toward developing psychosis. Schizophrenia Research. 153 (1-3). 68-77.
Bennett. M., Duke, P.A. & Fuggetta, G. (2014). Event-related potential N270 delayed and enhanced by the conjunction of relevant and irrelevant perceptual mismatch. Psychophysiology. 51(5):456-63
Duke, P.A. & Howard, I.P. (2012). Processing vertical size disparities in distinct depth planes. Journal of Vision. 12(8):10.
Duke, P.A. & Rushton, S.K. (2012). How we perceive the trajectory of an approaching object. Journal of Vision. 8;12(3):9
Porrill, J., Duke, P.A., Taroyan, N.A., Frisby, J.P. & Buckley, D. (2010). The accuracy of metric judgements: Perception of surface normal. Vision Research. 50. 1140-1157.
Rushton, S. K. & Duke, P.A. (2009). Observers cannot accurately estimate the speed of an approaching object in flight. Vision Research. 49 (15). 1919-1928.
Rushton, S. K. & Duke, P.A. (2007). The use of direction and distance information in the perception of approach trajectory. Vision Research, 47. 899-912.
Harris, L., Duke, P., & Kopinska, A. (2006). Flash lag in depth. Vision Research, 46 (17), 2735-2742.
BSc Pychology
BSc Psychology with Cognitive Neuroscience
BSc Applied Psychology