Dr Paula Severi
Teaching Fellow

School/Department: Computing and Mathematical Sciences, School of
I am currently a Teaching Fellow in Computing
I held a Daphne Jackson Fellowship sponsored by EPSRC and the University of Leicester.
I also held postdoc posts at Universita di Torino and Universita degli Studi di Udine, Italy.
In the past, I also held lecturer posts at Centro de Matematica and Instituto de Computacion in Universidad de la Republica Oriental del Uruguay.
I earned a PhD in Computer Science at Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands.
I have done research on the foundations of programming languages and the semantic web with applications to software engineering.
Some of the research topics include:
- Foundations of Programming Languages
- Typing disciplines of functional programs
- Typing disciplines for protocols and concurrency
- Session types
- Typed Lambda Calculus
- Type Inference of Functional Programs
- Dependent Types: types as specifications of programmes
- Types to guarantee program correctness and termination.
- Semantic Web and Knowledge representation
- Ontology Languages
- Automated Reasoning, Description Logics
- Meta-modelling in Description Logics
- Applications in areas of Healthcare, Geography and Finances
See my publications in DBLP
Selected Publications
- Intersection Types. Part III of the book Lambda Calculus with Types .Authors: Fabio Alessi, Henk Barendregt, Wil Dekkers, Mariangiola Dezani-Ciancaglini, Paula Severi. Editors: Henk Barendregt, Wil Dekkers and Richard Statman at al. Cambridge University Press and Association for Symbolic Logic, 2012.
Articles in Journals
- Paula Severi, Mariangiola Dezani-Ciancaglini: Observational Equivalence for Multiparty Sessions. Fundamenta Informaticae 170(1-3): 267-305, 2019.
- Paula Severi: A Light Modality for Recursion. Logical Methods in Computer Science 15(1) , 2019 Selected papers of FOSSACS 2017.
- Paula Severi, Luca Padovani, Emilio Tuosto and Mariangiola Dezani-Ciancagilini. On Sessions and Infinite Data. Logical Methods in Computer Science 2017. Selected papers of the conferences FORTE and COORDINATION 2016.
- Paula Severi and Fer-Jan de Vries. The Infinitary Lambda Calculus of the Infinite Eta Bohm Trees. Mahematical Structures in Computer Science, 2017
- Regina Motz, Edelweis Rohrer, Paula Severi. The description logic SHIQ with a flexible meta-modelling hierarchy. Journal of Web Semantics: Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide Web. 35: 214-234, 2015.
- Alexander Kurz, Daniela Petris¸an, Paula Severi and Fer-Jan de Vries. Nominal Coalgebraic Data Types with Applications to Lambda Calculus. Logical Methods in Computer Science 9(4) (2013).
Peer Reviewed Articles in Conferences
- Paula Severi, Edelweis Rohrer, Regina Motz: A Description Logic for Unifying Different Points of View. In
proceedings of KGSWC (Knowledge Graphs and Semantic Web) 2019: 17-32 - Edelweis Rohrer, Paula Severi, Regina Motz: Meta-Modelling Ontology Design Pattern. In proceedings of KGSWC (Knowledge Graphs and Semantic Web) 2019: 585-588
- Edelweis Rohrer, Paula Severi, Regina Motz: Applying Meta-Modellig to an Accounting Application. In proceedings of ONTOBRAS 2018
- Paula Severi. A Light Modality for Recursion. In proceedings of FOSSACS (Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures) 2017 (nominated for best ETAPS 2017 paper). LNCS.
- Paula Severi, Luca Padovani, Emilio Tuosto and Mariangiola Dezani-Ciancaglini. On Sessions and Infinite Data. In proceedings of DisCoTec (Distributed Computing Techniques) 2016 (best paper of COORDINATION (Coordination Models and Languages) 2016). LNCS.
- Monica Martinez, Edelweis Rohrer, Paula Severi. Complexity of the Description Logic ALCM. In proceedings of Knowledge Representation (KR) 2016
- Alexander Kurz, Alberto Pardo, Daniela Petrisan, Paula Severi, Fer-Jan de Vries. Approximation of Nested Fixpoints - A Coalgebraic View of Parametric Dataypes. In proceedings of CALCO (Conference on Algebra and Coalgebra in Computer Science) 2015
- Regina Motz, Edelweis Rohrer, Paula Severi. Reasoning for ALCQ extended with a flexible meta-modelling hierarchy. In proceedings of JIST (International Semantic Technology) 2014 (awarded second best paper).
- Paula Severi and Fer-Jan de Vries. Completeness of Conversion between Reactive Programs for Ultrametric Models. In proceedings of TLCA (Typed Lambda Calculus and Applications) 2013.
For more publications, see also the list of my publications in DBLP.
I have supervised various undergraduate and postgraduate projects.
I also co-supervised a PhD student in Computer Science with Regina Motz (Instituto de Computacion, Universidad de la Republica Oriental del Uruguay)
- Edelweis Rohrer (2022) Design and foundations of ontologies with meta-modelling
At the moment (September-December 2023), I am teaching in the following modules:
- CO1103 Mathematics Fundamentals
- CO3095 Software Measurement and Quality Assurance
- CO3201 BSc Computer Science Projects
- CO7201 MSc Computer Science Projects
Previous years, I was involved in the following modules:
- CO3111 Functional Programming
- CO1108 Foundations of Computation
- CO1102 Programming Fundamentals
- CO1101 Computing Fundamentals
- CO3093-CO7093 Big Data and Predictive Analytics
- Logic Programming
I also developed the systems for doing automatic markings for
- Functional Programming
- Logic Programming
Editorial work
- Editors: Hélène Kirchner, Paula Severi. Selected Papers of the 3rd International Conference on Formal Structures and Deduction (FSCD 2018)
- Editor: Simona Ronchi della Rocca. Guest editor:Paula Severi. Selected papers of the conference Typed Lambda Calculus and Applications 2007. Logical Methods in Computer Science.
Conference chair
- FSCD 2018 and Workshop Chair FSCD 2018 (collocated with FLOCS 2018, Oxford).
Member of program committees
- LICS 2019
- FSCD 2018
- FSCD 2017
- FSCD 2016 Formal Structures for Computation and Deduction
- AMW 2018 AMW 2017 Alberto Mendelzon International Workshop on Foundations of Data Management
- TyDe 2017 (workshop on Type Directed Programming)
- RTA 2015 Rewriting Techniques and Applications
- RTA 2014 and TLCA 2014 Typed Lambda Calculus and Applications.
- APLAS 2013 Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems
- RTA 2013 Rewriting Techniques and Applications
- TLCA 2007 Typed Lambda Calculus and Applications.
Teaching training in Higher Education. I am doing the first year of PGCAPP at the University of Leicester.
Computer Science. I obtained the following qualifications:
- PhD in Computer Science. Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
- MSc in Computer Science. Universidad de la Republica Oriental del Uruguay.
- BSc in Computer Science. Universidad de la Republica Oriental del Uruguay.