Professor Pamela Rogerson Revell
Professor of Applied Linguistics

School/Department: Education, School of
I am a Professor in Applied Linguistics in the School of Education and have a broad range of interests and expertise in Applied Linguistics and TESOL, particularly in the areas of phonology and pronunciation teaching, English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) and Online and Distance Learning (ODL). Before joining the University of Leicester in 2001, I worked in several other British universities, as well as spending four years at City University in Hong Kong. Before moving into Higher Education, I worked for ten years in corporate language training in Europe and Africa. I therefore have a strong research interest in the use of English as in international language or lingua franca, particularly in business contexts. I was the UK lead in three EU-funded projects in the field of international business communication, all of which contribute to European initiatives to enhance workforce mobility. I also worked for many years as a consultant for the EU Research Executive Agency, assessing Marie Curie Research Fellowships.
As an applied linguist, I also research and teacher in the areas of phonology and pronunciation and technology-enhanced language learning. My recent book, co-authored with Professor Martha Pennington, ‘English Pronunciation Teaching and Research: Contemporary Perspectives’ (Pennington and Rogerson-Revell, 2019, Palgrave Macmillan) presents an applied sociolinguistic orientation to pronunciation teaching and research, providing a comprehensive analysis of pronunciation and the linguistic and social functions it fulfils, in an increasingly multilingual world.
I have a long-standing commitment to developing and researching online and distance learning pedagogies and has been involved in many nationally and internationally-funded projects in this area As part of my interest in the use of technologies to widen access to education, I led the development of a MOOC , ‘An introduction to Applied Linguistics and TESOL’ The MOOC is a joint collaboration between the University of Leicester and Futurelearn and has had over 45,000 participants to date, from approximately 160 different countries. My growing interest in widening access and participation through enhancing language and communication skills is evident in several of my recent research projects and publications.
My research in the field of phonology covers many areas but generally relate theoretical aspects of phonology to the practice of English Language Teaching (Pennington & Rogerson-Revell, 2019). My research primarily focuses on issues of intelligibility in lingua franca contexts, particularly international business contexts. My combined interests in pronunciation teaching and technology has led me recently towards Computer-Assisted Pronunciation Teaching (CAPT) both in terms of research and research supervision.
Reflecting my growing concern to widen access to education, I have recently been involved in several funded research projects in this area. I was lead researcher in the British Council ‘'Future English' research consultancy, investigating English language proficiency and teaching practices in secondary schools in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan.
I was also principal investigator for the British Council English Language Teaching Research Award project ‘‘Resilience and beyond: facilitating learning and well-being in the refugee language classroom’. This is an interdisciplinary study of English language learning and psychological well-being of refugee students at the University of Leicester, which is one of a growing number of UK Universities of Sanctuary, aiming to facilitate access to Higher Education for refugees and asylum seekers.
I am currently involved in two further funded projects: one is looking at community-based language teaching provision for local Afghani refugees and the other is exploring the use of a lesson study approach to enhance Chinese pre-service language teachers’ knowledge, skills and confidence.
Recent funded projects
- ‘Enhancing pre-service English language teachers' professional knowledge, skills and confidence through peer micro-teaching lesson study (PMLS)’. British Council EMaDA project. Principal Investigator, Jan 2023-Jan 2024
- 'Co-producing Refugee Belonging'. Bright Path Futures Tiger Team project . Co-investigator. Oct 22-Sept 23.
- ‘Beyond resilience:facilitating learning and well-being in the refugee language classroom. British Council English Language Teaching Research project, Principal Investigator. 2019-21
- ‘Investigating English proficiency and teaching practices in 5 Caucasian countries’. British Council Future English research project (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan. Lead researcher. 2019-21
- ‘Investigating the gap between pronunciation research and teaching: English language teachers’ knowledge, perspectives and practices’. joint P.I.with Wafa Zoghbor, Zayed University Research Incentive Fund,.2017-18.
- COLA (Construction-related Language Learning for Low-skilled Migrant Workers) EU Leonardo da Vinci fund, Principal Investigator (UK) 2011-2014
- ‘English as a lingua franca in Europe: an investigation of international communication and intelligibility'. Joint PI with Wafa Zoghbor, University of Zayed, UAE, Research Start Up Grant. 2013-2014.
- AUDIBLE (Audio feedback for Better Learning Experience) – University of Leicester funded, Stream B: Developing new learning, teaching and assessment activities. Joint PI with Diane Davies. 2011-2012
- ‘English as a lingua franca in Europe: an investigation of international communication and intelligibility in EU project meetings.’ University of Leicester, Research Development Fund. Principal Investigator. 2010-2011.
- OTTER (Open, Transferable and Technology-Enabled Educational Resources) - HEA/JISC-funded. Co-Investigator. 2009-2010.
- DUCKLING (Delivering University Curricula: Knowledge, Learning and Innovation Gains) JISC-funded. Co-Investigator. 2008-2010.
- EVLAC (Enhancing Vocational Language and Cultural Skills of European Construction Professionals) EU Leonardo da Vinci fund, with partners in Austria, Greece, Turkey and the UK. Principal Investigator (UK) 2008-2010.
- Palanac, A., Hunt, S., Rogerson-Revell, P., Cajkler, W., & Witthaus, G. (2023). Beyond resilience: Facilitating learning and wellbeing in the refugee language classroom. British Council. Available online:
- Rogerson-Revell, P. (2023). Commentary on Participation and performance in international business meetings. English for Specific Purposes, 27, 338–360.
- Rogerson-Revell, P (2021). Computer-Assisted Pronunciation Training (CAPT): Current Issues and Future Directions. RELC Journal. doi:10.1177/0033688220977406
- Pennington, M. & Rogerson-Revell, P. (2019) Teaching and Researching Pronunciation: Contemporary Perspectives. Research and Practice in Applied Linguistics Series. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Rogerson-Revell, P. (2017) English Vowels and Consonants, In Kang, O. Thomson,R. & Murphy, J. (Eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Contemporary English Pronunciation (pp. 93-122). New York: Routledge.
- Rogerson-Revell, P. (2015) Constructively aligning technologies with learning and assessment in a distance MA programme. Distance Education, vol 36 (1) 129-147. DOI:10.1080/01587919.2015.1019972
- Rogerson-Revell, P. (2014). Pronunciation matters: using English for international business communication. In van den Doel, R. & Rupp, L. (eds.) Pronunciation Matters (pp.137-159). Amsterdam:VU Uitgeveri
- Rogerson-Revell, P. (2012) Can or should we teach intonation? IATEFL Pronunciation SIG journal 47:16-20.
- Rogerson-Revell, P, Armellini, A. And Nie, M. (2012) ‘A cost benefit analysis of voice boards, e-book readers and virtual worlds in distance education’ Open Learning, vol 27, (2):103-119.
- Rogerson-Revell, P. (2011) English phonology and pronunciation teaching. London:Bloomsbury.
- Rogerson-Revell, P. (2011) Chairing international business meetings: investigating humour and leadership style in the workplace. In Angouri, J. and Marra, M. (eds) Constructing Identities at Work, (pp.61-84). London:Palgrave.
- Rogerson-Revell, P & Louhiala-Salminen, L. (2010) ‘An introduction to Language Matters, Part Two, Journal of Business Communication vol 47, (2): 375-379.
- Rogerson-Revell, P. (2010) Can you Spell that for us Non-Native Speakers?: Accommodation Strategies in International Business Meetings, Journal of Business Communication vol 47, (4): 432-454. Louhiala-Salminen, L. & Rogerson-Revell, P (2010) Language Matters: an introduction, Part One, Journal of Business Communication vol 47, (1):91-96.
- Rogerson-Revell,P. (2008) Participation and performance in international business meetings, English for Specific Purposes 27, 338-360.
- Rogerson-Revell, P. (2007) Using English for International Business: a European case study. English for Specific Purposes 26, 1, 103-120.
- Rogerson-Revell,P. (2007) Humour in Business: a double-edged sword. A study of humour and style shifting in intercultural business meetings. Journal of Pragmatics 39, p4-28.
I am interested in supervising doctoral research in the following areas:
- Phonology and pronunciation teaching
- Technology-Enhanced Language learning (particularly CAPT)
- Intelligibility in international contexts
- Language learning for migrants/refugees
I convene the following modules for MA Applied Linguistics and TESOL/ MA TESOL:
- Phonology and Pronunciation Teaching ED7714 (Campus) and ED7525 (Distance)
- Technology Enhanced Language Learning: ED7715 (Campus) and ED7526 (Distance)
- English for Specific Purposes: ED7706 (Campus) and ED7574 (Distance)
I also teach on:
- Discourse Analysis (ED7712)
- Research Methods for Dissertation
I also lead our free online course:
- FutureLearn MOOC: An Introduction to Applied Linguistics and TESOL (University of Leicester); running twice per year, 2016 to present
External research/consultancy activities
- 2010-2020- EU Marie Skłodowska Curie Research Fellowship evaluator.
- 2015-2022 - Editorial Board, English Today journal
- 2010 -2020 – Editorial Board, English for Specific Purposes journal
- 2018 - Senior Fellowship Higher Education Academy (SFHEA)
- 2011 - University Distinguished Teaching Fellow, University of Leicester
Invited keynotes
‘Relating pronunciation research and practice: revisiting some myths and misconceptions in pronunciation teaching’. 6th International Conference on English Pronunciation: Issues and Practices (EPIP) University of Skopje, Macedonia, May. 2019
‘Directions in technology-enhanced language learning: technology-led or pedagogy driven?’ ICLEI Conference, London, Jan. 2019
‘Teaching and learning the pronunciation of English in a globalized world’, TESOL Arabia, March. 2017.
'Pronunciation in Lingua Franca communication', Dutch Accents in English symposium University of Utrecht and Free University of Amsterdam, June, 2010.
'Culture in the Language Classroom'. 8th International TEFL Conference, University of Damascus, Syria, Sept. 2008.
Other recent invited talks
Using a MOOC to teach and research pronunciation. 53rd Annual International IATEFL Conference and Online Conference, Liverpool, 2019.
Chairing international business meetings: investigating humour and leadership style in the workplace. 8th International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice Cardiff, Wales, 2018.
Jointly led international symposium on ‘Business English as Lingua Franca’ at 10th International English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) conference, Helsinki, 2017.
Media coverage
- BBC Radio Leicester interview – dictionary entries (Dec. 2018)
- BBC Radio Leicester interview – accent change (June 2018)
- BBC Radio Leicester interview – Futurelearn MOOC – Introduction to Applied Linguistics and TESOL (May 2018)
- UoL press releases - MOOC – Introduction to Applied Linguistics and TESOL (May2018)
- BBC Radio Leicester interview – dictionary entries (Dec. 2018)
- Tactful Humour can Contribute to Social Cohesion in the Workplace’, Business Digest, Paris. June, no.175, (June 2012)
- Speaking English is harder than you think’, The Financial Times (Nov 2012)
- 'Uitgesproken Engels' (English pronunciation) Radio interview - Radio Netherlands Wereldomroep at Symposium 'Uitgesproken Engels' Universiteit Utrecht and Vrei Universiteit, Amsterdam (June 2010)
- English for Business in Syria’ Syrian TV and radio channel, at British Council, Damascus (Oct 2009)
- 1998 PhD (University of Birmingham)
- 1981 MA in Linguistics and Language Teaching (University of York)
- 1974 BA (Hons) Social Sciences (University of Middlesex) 2,1
- 1978 RSA Diploma in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (International House, Paris)
- 1977 IH Diploma in TEFL (International House, Paris)
- 1976 PGCE (Lancaster University)