Prof Oliver Harris
Professor of Archaeology
School/Department: Archaeology and Ancient History, School of
Telephone: +44 (0)116 252 2729
Selected Publications
Harris O.J.T. 2021. Assembling Past Worlds: materials, bodies and architecture in Neolithic Britain. London: Routledge.
Crellin, R.J., Cipolla, C, N., Montgomery, L.M., Harris, O.J.T. and Moore, S.V. 2021. Archaeological Theory in Dialogue: situating relationality, ontology, posthumanism and Indigenous paradigms. London: Routledge.
Harris, O.J.T. & Cipolla C.N. 2017. Archaeological Theory in the New Millennium: introducing current perspectives. London: Routledge.
Robb, J. and Harris, O.J.T. 2013. The Body in History: Europe from the Palaeolithic to the future. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Crellin, R.J., Tsoraki, C., Standish, C., Pearce R.B, Barton, H., Morriss, S., and Harris, O.J.T. 2023. Materials in movement: gold and stone in process at the Upton Lovell G2a burial. Antiquity 97. 86-103.
Robb. J. and Harris, O.J.T. 2023. Rethinking Neolithic and Bronze Age gender: facing the challenges. Responding to Gaydarska et al. To Gender or not To Gender? Exploring Gender Variations through Time and Space. European Journal of Archaeology online first.
Roy, A., Crellin, R.J., Harris, O.J.T. 2023. Use-wear reveals the first direct evidence for use of Neolithic polished stone axes in Britain. Journal of Archaeological Science Reports online first
Tsoraki, C., Barton, H., Crellin, R.J. and Harris O.J.T. 2023. From typology and biography to multiplicity: Bracers as ‘process objects’. Cambridge Archaeological Journal online first doi:10.1017/S0959774323000094
Cipolla, C.N., Crellin, R.J. and Harris, O.J.T. 2021. Posthumanist archaeologies, archaeological posthumanisms. Journal of Posthumanism 1, 5-21.Crellin, R. and Harris, O.J.T. 2021. What difference does posthumanism make? Cambridge Archaeological Journal, 31(3), 469-75.
Crellin, R.J. and Harris, O.J.T. 2020. Beyond binaries: Interrogating ancient DNA. Archaeological Dialogues 27, 37-56
Harris, O.J.T. 2021. Archaeology, process and time: beyond history versus memory. World Archaeology online first: DOI: 10.1080/00438243.2021.1963833
Tsoraki, C., Barton, H., Crellin, R.J. & Harris, O.J.T. 2020. Making marks meaningful: new materialism and the microwear assemblage. World Archaeology 52, 484-502.
Robb, J. and Harris O.J.T. 2018. Becoming gendered in European prehistory: was Neolithic gender fundamentally different? American Antiquity 83, 128-147 DOI:
Press and media
Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland
Fellow of the Royal Anthropological Institute
2019 Curl Lectureship - Royal Anthropological Institute
2016 Philip Leverhulme Prize for Archaeology
2014 Archaeological Training Forum Award for the Ardnamurchan Transitions Project