Dr Ning Baines
Lecturer in Marketing
School/Department: Business, School of
My principal research interests lie in the field of new product/service innovation and entrepreneurship, specifically in university, university spin-off and start-up contexts. My main areas of research are as follows:
- Entrepreneurship in marginalised groups.
- Commercialised and entrepreneurial activities within university context.
- University and Industry collaborations, especially with Arts and Cultural Organisations (ACOs)
- Baines, N., Klangboonkrong, T., & Smith, H. L. (2023). Exploring product/service innovation process in UK: university spin-offs from practice-based lens. The Journal of Technology Transfer, 1-25.
- Klangboonkrong, T., & Baines, N. (2022). Disability entrepreneurship research: Critical reflection through the lens of individual‐opportunity nexus. Strategic Change, 31(4), 427-445.
- Assimakopoulos, D., Smith, H. L., Baines, N., Romeo, S., & Tsouri, M. (2022). Oxford and Grenoble: multiple anchors, strong dyadic relationships and national policy in fostering cluster architectures. Regional Studies, 56(10), 1618-1632.
- Rossi, F., De Silva, M., Baines, N., & Rosli, A. (2022). Long‐Term Innovation Outcomes of University–Industry Collaborations: The Role of ‘Bridging’vs ‘Blurring’Boundary‐Spanning Practices. British Journal of Management, 33(1), 478-501.
- Rossi, F., Baines, N., & Smith, H. L. (2021). Which regional conditions facilitate university spinouts retention and attraction?. Regional Studies, 1-17.
- Black, I., Baines, P., Baines, N., O’Shaughnessy, N., & Mortimore, R. (2021). The dynamic interplay of hope vs fear appeals in a referendum context. Journal of Political Marketing, 1-29.
- Baines, N. and Lawton Smith, H. (2020), Knowledge and capabilities for products/services development: the UK spin-off firms context, Journal of Knowledge Management, 24(4), 941-962.
- Bagchi-Sen, S., Baines, N., and Lawton Smith, H. (2020). Characteristics and Outputs of University Spin-offs in the United Kingdom. International Regional Science Review.
- Baines, N., & Smith, H. L. (2019). Key driving factors for product and service innovations in UK university spin-offs. Industry and Higher Education, 33(3), 161–171.
Contributions to edited works:
- Lawton Smith, H., Meschitti, V., le Roux, J., Panton, M. Baines, N. Poulovassilis, A. and Henry, C. (2017), Gender differences in commercialisation of research: An investigation in UK universities, In: Lawton Smith, Henry, C. Etzkowitz, H. and Poulovassilis, A. (Eds), New Perspectives in Gender, Science & Innovation, London: Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Lindholm Dahlstrand, A., Lawton Smith, H. and Baines, N (2015), Academic entrepreneurship: spin-offs in Sweden and the UK. In: Audretsch D. B., Lehmann E. E., Meoli, M. and Vismara S. (Eds.), University Evolution, Entrepreneurial Activity and Regional Competitiveness, Berlin: Springer.
I am interested in supervising full- and part-time PhD research in the following areas:
- Product/service innovation
- Entrepreneurship
- University and Industry collaborations
My teaching has encompassed undergraduate and postgraduate teaching across a number of aspects of marketing including marketing research and marketing analytics. At ULSB, I am the programme leader for MSc Marketing and MSc Entrepreneurship and Innovation. I also teach on the following modules and areas:
- PG: Market Intelligence, data analysis and research method
- PG: Dissertation
Press and media
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