Dr Neil Greening
Associate Professor

School/Department: Respiratory Sciences, Department of
Dr Neil Greening is an Associate Professor at the University of Leicester and Honorary Consultant Respiratory Physician at Leicester’s Glenfield Hospital. As an active clinical academic, Dr Greening is interested in lung diseases that result in hospital admissions, particularly Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), and the effects that hospitalisation has on patients’ physical function, fitness and muscle wasting, as well as the therapies that help this. Clinically, Dr Greening is part of the complex COPD service at Glenfield Hospital.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr Greening has been actively involved in the RECOVERY and ISARIC COVID-19 trials. He is investigating the follow-up for COVID-19 patients and the impact of the disease on lung function testing.
Dr Greening has particular interests in:
- Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
- Exacerbations of COPD
- Skeletal muscle dysfunction
- Pulmonary rehabilitation
- Frailty and sarcopaenia
- Precision medicine
- Clinical interventions
79 PubMed indexed peer-reviewed publications since 2012. H-index (google scholar): 25
- Man W, Chaplin E, Daynes E, Drummond A, Evans RA, Greening NJ, Nolan C, Pavitt MJ, Roberts NJ, Vogiatzis I, Singh SJ. British Thoracic Society Clinical Statement on pulmonary rehabilitation. Thorax. 2023 Oct;78(Suppl 4):s2-s15.
- Aung H, McAuley H, Porter K, Richardson M, Wright A, Brightling CE, Greening NJ. Differences in hospital admissions for acute exacerbations of COPD during the COVID-19 pandemic stratified by stable state blood eosinophil count. Eur Respir J. 2023 Sep 28:2301125
- C-MORE/PHOSP-COVID Collaborative Group. Multiorgan MRI findings after hospitalisation with COVID-19 in the UK (C-MORE): a prospective, multicentre, observational cohort study. Lancet Respir Med. 2023 Sep 22:
- Taquet M, Skorniewska Z, Smith SM, Hampshire A, Chalmers JD, Ho L-P, Horsley A Marks M, Poinasamy K, Raman B, Leavy OC, Richardson M, Elneima O, McAuley HJC, Shikotra A, Singapuri A, Sereno M, Saunders RM, Harris VC, Houchen-Wolloff L, Greening NJ, Mansoori P, Harrison EM, Docherty AB, Lone NI, Quint J, Sattar N, Brightling CE, Wain LV, Evans R, Geddes JR , Harrison PJ. Two distinct acute blood biomarker profiles associated with cognitive deficits 6 and 12 months post-COVID-19. Nature Medicine. 2023 Aug 31
- Mills G, Daynes E, McAuley H, Greening N, Briggs-Price S, Baldwin M, Singh S. Resistance Training in Post-COVID Recovery: Rationale and Current Evidence. Journal of Frailty, Sarcopenia and Falls. 2023 Sep 1;8(3):188-194
- Dawson C, Clunie G, Evison F, Duncan S, Whitney J, Houchen-Wolloff L, Bolton CE, Leavy OC, Richardson M, Omer E, McAuley H, Shikotra A, Singapuri A, Sereno M, Saunders RM, Harris VC, Greening NJ, Nolan CM, Wootton DG, Daynes E, Donaldson G, Sargent J, Scott J, Pimm J, Bishop L, McNarry M, Hart N, Evans RA, Singh S, Yates T, Chalder T, Man W, Harrison E, Docherty A, Lone NI, Quint JK, Chalmers J, Ho LP, Horsley AR, Marks M, Poinasamy K, Raman B, Wain LV, Brightling C; PHOSP-COVID collaborative Group; Sharma N, Coffey M, Kulkarni A, Wallace S. Prevalence of swallow, communication, voice and cognitive compromise following hospitalisation for COVID-19: the PHOSP-COVID analysis. BMJ Open Respir Res. 2023 Jul;10(1):e001647
- Riveron TP, Wilde MJ, Ibrahim W, Carr L, Monks PS, Greening NJ, Gaillard EA, Brightling CE, Siddiqui S, Hansell AL, Cordell RL. Characterisation of volatile organic compounds in hospital indoor air and exposure health risk determination. Building and Environment. 2023:242, 110513
- Zheng B, Vivaldi G, Daines L, Leavy OC, Richardson M, Elneima O, McAuley HJC, Shikotra A, Singapuri A, Sereno M, Saunders RM, Harris VC, Houchen-Wolloff L, Greening NJ, Pfeffer PE, Hurst JR, Brown JS, Shankar-Hari M, Echevarria C, De Soyza A, Harrison EM, Docherty AB, Lone N, Quint JK, Chalmers JD, Ho LP, Horsley A, Marks M, Poinasamy K, Raman B, Heaney LG, Wain LV, Evans RA, Brightling CE, Martineau A, Sheikh A. Determinants of recovery from post-COVID-19 dyspnoea: analysis of UK prospective cohorts of hospitalised COVID-19 patients and community-based controls. Lancet Reg Health Eur. 2023 Apr 28;29: 100635
- Singh SJ, Baldwin MM, Daynes E, Evans RA, Greening NJ, Jenkins RG, Lone NI, McAuley H, Mehta P, Newman J, Novotny P, Smith DJF, Stanel S, Toshner M, Brightling CE. Respiratory sequelae of COVID-19: approaches to clinical care and rehabilitation. Lancet Respir Med. 2023 May 19
- 10.Jackson C, Stewart ID, Plekhanova T, Cunningham PS, Hazel AL, Al-Sheklly B, Aul R, Bolton CE, Chalder T, Chalmers JD, Chaudhuri N, Docherty AB, Donaldson G, Edwardson CL, Elneima O, Greening NJ, Hanley NA, Harris VC, Harrison EM, Ho LP, Houchen-Wolloff L, Howard LS, Jolley CJ, Jones MG, Leavy OC, Lewis KE, Lone NI, Marks M, McAuley HJC, McNarry MA, Patel BV, Piper-Hanley K, Poinasamy K, Raman B, Richardson M, Rivera-Ortega P, Rowland-Jones SL, Rowlands AV, Saunders RM, Scott JT, Sereno M, Shah AM, Shikotra A, Singapuri A, Stanel SC, Thorpe M, Wootton DG, Yates T, Gisli Jenkins R, Singh SJ, Man WD, Brightling CE, Wain LV, Porter JC, Thompson AAR, Horsley A, Molyneaux PL, Evans RA, Jones SE, Rutter MK, Blaikley JF; PHOSP-COVID Study Collaborative Group. Effects of sleep disturbance on dyspnoea and impaired lung function following hospital admission due to COVID-19 in the UK: a prospective multicentre cohort study. Lancet Respir Med. 2023 Apr 14
- McAuley HJC, Evans RA, Bolton CE, Brightling CE, Chalmers J, Docherty AB, Elneima O, Greenhaff PL, Gupta A, Harris VC, Harrison EM, Ho LP, Horsley A, Houchen-Wolloff L, Jolley CJ, Leavy OC, Lone NI, Man W D-C, Marks M, Parekh D, Poinasamy K, Quint JK, Raman B, Richardson M, Saunders RM, Sereno M, Shikotra A, Singapuri A, Singh SJ, Steiner MC, Tan AL, Wain LV, Welch C, Whitney J, Witham MD, Lord J, Greening NJ. Prevalence of physical frailty, including risk factors, up to 1 year after hospitalisation for COVID-19 in the UK: a multicentre, longitudinal cohort study. eClinicalMedicine 2023 Mar 11;57:101896
- Das N, Happaerts S, Gyselinck I, Staes M, Derom E, Brussselle G, Burgos F, Contoli M, Dinh-Xuan AT, Franssen FME, Gonem S, Greening NJ, Haenebalcke C, Man WD-C, Moisés J, Peché R, Poberezhets V, Quint JK, Steiner MC, Vanderhelst E, Abdo M, Topalovic M, Janssens W. Explainable artificial intelligence supports pulmonologists in the accurate interpretation of pulmonary function tests. Eur Respir J. 2023 Apr 20:2201720
- Lung volume reduction surgery versus endobronchial valves: a randomised controlled trial. Eur Respir J. 2023 Feb 16:2202063.
- The effect of COVID rehabilitation for ongoing symptoms Post HOSPitalisation with COVID-19 (PHOSP-R): protocol for a randomised parallel group controlled trial on behalf of the PHOSP consortium. Trials. 2023 Feb 7;24(1):98.
- SARS-CoV-2-specific nasal IgA wanes 9 months after hospitalisation with COVID-19 and is not induced by subsequent vaccination. EBioMedicine. 2023 Jan;87:104402.
- Residual Lung Abnormalities after COVID-19 Hospitalization: Interim Analysis of the UKILD Post-COVID-19 Study. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2023 Mar 15;207(6):693-703.
- Ibrahim W*, Wilde MJ*, Cordell RL*, Richardson M, Salman D, Free RC, Zhao B, Singapuri A, Hargadon B, Gaillard EA, Suzuki T, Ng LL, Coates T, Thomas P, Monks PS, Brightling CE, Greening NJ, Siddiqui S. Visualisation of exhaled breath metabolites reveals distinct diagnostic signatures for acute cardiorespiratory breathlessness. Sci Transl Med. 2022 Nov 16;14(671):eabl5849.
- Plekhanova T, Rowlands AV, Evans RA, Edwardson CL, Bishop NC, Bolton CE, Chalmers JD, Davies MJ, Daynes E, Dempsey PC, Docherty AB, Elneima O, Greening NJ, Greenwood SA, Hall AP, Harris VC, Harrison EM, Henson J, Ho LP, Horsley A, Houchen-Wolloff L, Khunti K, Leavy OC, Lone NI, Marks M, Maylor B, McAuley HJC, Nolan CM, Poinasamy K, Quint JK, Raman B, Richardson M, Sargeant JA, Saunders RM, Sereno M, Shikotra A, Singapuri A, Steiner M, Stensel DJ, Wain LV, Whitney J, Wootton DG, Brightling CE, Man WD, Singh SJ, Yates T; Device-assessed sleep and physical activity in individuals recovering from a hospital admission for COVID-19: a multicentre study. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act. 2022 Jul 28;19(1):94
- Karsanji U, Evans RA, Quint JK, Khunti K, Lawson CA, Petherick E, Greening NJ, Singh SJ, Richardson MJ, Steiner MC. Mortality associated with metabolic syndrome in people with COPD managed in primary care. ERJ Open Res. 2022 Oct 24: 8(4):00211-2022
- Diver S, Brightling CE, Greening NJ. Novel Therapeutic Strategies in Asthma-Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Overlap. Immunology and Allergy Clinics. 2022 Aug: 42(3); 671-90
- Hawthorne G, Richardson M, Greening NJ, Esliger D, Briggs-Price S, Chaplin EJ, Clinch L, Steiner MC, Singh SJ, Orme MW. A proof of concept for continuous, non-invasive, free-living vital signs monitoring to predict readmission following an acute exacerbation of COPD: a prospective cohort study. Respir Res. 2022 Apr 26;23(1):102.
- PHOSP-COVID Collaborative Group. Clinical characteristics with inflammation profiling of long COVID and association with 1-year recovery following hospitalisation in the UK: a prospective observational study. Lancet Respir Med. 2022 Apr 22:S2213-2600(22)00127-8
- Yousuf AJ, Mohammed S, Carr L, Ramsheh MY, Micieli C, Mistry V, Haldar K, Wright A, Novotny P, Parker S, Glover S, Finch J, Quann N, Brookes CL, Hobson R, Ibrahim W, Russell RJ, John C, Grimbaldeston MA, Choy DF, Cheung D, Steiner M, Greening NJ*, Brightling CE,*. *joint senior authors Astegolimab, an anti-ST2, in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease - COPD-ST2OP: a phase IIa, placebo-controlled trial. Lancet Respir Med 2022 May;10(5):469-477
- Israr MZ, Ibrahim W, Salzano A, Sarmad S, Wilde MJ, Cordell RL, Greening NJ, Brightling CE, Siddiqui S, Suzuki T; EMBER consortium. Association of gut-related metabolites with respiratory symptoms in COVID-19: A proof-of-concept study. Nutrition. 2022 Jan 5;96:111585
- Hawthorne G, Greening NJ,Esliger D, Briggs-Price S, Richardson M, Chaplin EJ, Clinch L, Steiner MC, Singh SJ, Orme MW. Usability of wearable multiparameter technology to continuously monitor free-living vital signs in people living with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: Prospective Observational Study. JMIR Human Factors. 2022 Feb 16;9(1):e30091
- Salman D, Ibrahim W, Kanabar A, Joyce A, Zhao B, Singapuri A, Wilde M, Cordell R, McNally T, Ruszkiewicz DM, Hadjithekli A, Free R, Greening N, Gaillard E, Beardsmore C, Monks PS, Brightling CE, Siddiqui S, Thomas CLP. The variability of volatile organic compounds in the indoor air of clinical environments. J Breath Res. 2021 Nov 1.
- Daynes E, Greening N, Singh SJ. Randomised controlled trial to investigate the use of high-frequency airway oscillations as training to improve dyspnoea (TIDe) in COPD. Thorax. 2021 Oct 27:thoraxjnl-2021-217072.
- Evans RA, McAuley H, Harrison EM, Shikotra A, Singapuri A, Sereno M, Elneima O, Docherty AB, Lone NI, Leavy OC, Daines L, Baillie JK, Brown JS, Chalder T, De Soyza A, Diar Bakerly N, Easom N, Geddes JR, Greening NJ, Hart N, Heaney LG, Heller S, Howard L, Hurst JR, Jacob J, Jenkins RG, Jolley C, Kerr S, Kon OM, Lewis K, Lord JM, McCann GP, Neubauer S, Openshaw PJM, Parekh D, Pfeffer P, Rahman NM, Raman B, Richardson M, Rowland M, Semple MG, Shah AM, Singh SJ, Sheikh A, Thomas D, Toshner M, Chalmers JD, Ho LP, Horsley A, Marks M, Poinasamy K, Wain LV, Brightling CE; PHOSP-COVID Collaborative Group. Physical, cognitive, and mental health impacts of COVID-19 after hospitalisation (PHOSP-COVID): a UK multicentre, prospective cohort study. Lancet Respir Med. 2021 Nov;9(11):1275-1287
- Ibrahim, W., Natarajan, S., Wilde, M., Monks, P., Greening, N., Brightling, C., Evans, R., Siddiqui, S. (2021). A Systematic Review of the Diagnostic Accuracy of Volatile Organic Compounds in Airways Diseases and their Relation to Markers of Type-2 Inflammation. ERJ Open Res. 2021 Aug 31;7(3)
- Daynes E., Greening N., Owers-Bradley J., Singh S., Siddiqui S. (2021) The validity of shortened multiple breath washout testing using sulphur hexafluoride in the assessment of patients with COPD.ERJ Open Res. 2021 Aug 2;7(3):00379-2020
- Ibrahim W., Cordell R.D., Wilde M.J., Richardson M., Carr L., Dasi A., Hargadon B., Free R.C., Monks P.S., Brightling C.E., Greening N.J., Siddiqui S. Diagnosis of COVID-19 by exhaled breath analysis using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. ERJ Open Res 2021 Jul 5;7(3):00139-2021
- Groves D, Karsanji U, Evans RA, Greening N, Singh SJ, Quint JK, Whittaker H, Richardson M, Barrett J, Sutch S, Steiner MC. (2021). Predicting future health risk in COPD: Differential impact of disease specific and multi-morbidity based risk stratification. Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis. 2021 Jun 16;16:1741-1754.
- Ramakrishnan, S., Janssens, W., Burgel, P.R., Contoli, M., Franssen, F.M.E., Greening, N., Greulich, T., Gyeslinck, I., Halner, A., Huerta, A., Morgan, R.L.., Quint, J., Vanflateren, L.,, Vermeersch, K., Watz, H., Bafadhel, M., Standardisation of clinical assessment, management and follow up of acute hospitalised exacerbation of COPD: a Europe-wide consensus. Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis. 2021 Feb 16;16:321-332.
- (2021). Extrathoracic muscle wasting in exacerbations of COPD: no longer outside the region of interest. Thorax 2021. Feb 11:thoraxjnl-2020-216647
- McAuley, H., Hadley, K., Elneima, O., Brightling, C.E., Evans, R.A., Steiner, M.C., Greening, N.J. COPD in the time of COVID-19: An analysis of acute exacerbations and reported behavioural changes in patients with COPD. (2021) ERJ Open Res. 2021. Jan 18;7(1):00718-2020
- McAuley, H., Harvey-Dunstan, T.C., Craner, M., Richardson, M., Singh, S.J., Steiner, M.C., Greening, N.J. (2020) Longitudinal changes to quadriceps thickness demonstrate acute sarcopenia following admission to hospital for an exacerbation of chronic respiratory disease. Thorax. Dec 22:thoraxjnl-2020-215949
- Ibrahim, W., Carr, L., Cordell, R., Wilde, M., Salman, D., Monks, P.S., Thomas, P., Brightling, C.E., Siddiqui, S,. Greening, N.J. (2021) Breathomics for the clinician: The use of volatile organic compounds in respiratory diseases. Thorax- Jan 7:thoraxjnl-2020-215667
- Singh, S. J., Barradell, A. C., Greening, N. J., Bolton, C., Jenkins, G., Preston, L. & Hurst, J. R. (2020) British Thoracic Society survey of rehabilitation to support recovery of the post-COVID-19 population. BMJ Open, 10(12), e040213.
- Zhao, B., Bryant, L., Cordell, R., Wilde, M., Salman, D., Ruszkiewicz, D., Ibrahim, W., Singapuri, A., Coats, T., Gaillard, E., Beardsmore, C., Suzuki, T., Ng, L., Greening, N., Thomas, P., Monks, P., Brightling, C., Siddiqui, S. & Free, R. C. (2020) LabPipe: an extensible bioinformatics toolkit to manage experimental data and metadata. BMC Bioinformatics, 21(1), 556.
- Holden, K. A., Ibrahim, W., Salman, D., Cordell, R., McNally, T., Patel, B., Phillips, R., Beardsmore, C., Wilde, M., Bryant, L., Singapuri, A., Monks, P., Brightling, C., Greening, N., Thomas, P., Siddiqui, S. & Gaillard, E. A. (2020) Use of the ReCIVA device in breath sampling of patients with acute breathlessness: a feasibility study. ERJ Open Res, 6(4).
- France, G., Orme, M. W., Greening, N. J., Steiner, M. C., Chaplin, E. J., Clinch, L. & Singh, S. J. (2020) Cognitive function following pulmonary rehabilitation and post-discharge recovery from exacerbation in people with COPD. Respir Med, 176, 106249.
- Wilde, M. J., Zhao, B., Cordell, R. L., Ibrahim, W., Singapuri, A., Greening, N. J., Brightling, C. E., Siddiqui, S., Monks, P. S. & Free, R. C. (2020) Automating and Extending Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography Data Processing by Interfacing Open-Source and Commercial Software. Anal Chem, 92(20), 13953-13960.
- Greening, N. J., Larsson, P., Ljungström, E., Siddiqui, S. & Olin, A. C. (2020) Small droplet emission in exhaled breath during different breathing manoeuvres: Implications for clinical lung function testing during COVID-19. Allergy.
- Daynes, E., Jones, A. W., Greening, N.J. & Singh, S. J. (2020) The Use of Airway Clearance Devices in the Management of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. Ann Am Thorac Soc.
- Janssens, W. & Bafadhel, M on behalf of CICERO CRC member. (2020) The CICERO (Collaboration In COPD ExaceRbatiOns) Clinical Research Collaboration. Eur Respir J, 55(3).
- Watson, E. L., Major, R. W., Wilkinson, T. J., Greening, N. J., Gould, D. W., Barratt, J. & Smith, A. C. (2020) The association of muscle size, strength and exercise capacity with all-cause mortality in non-dialysis-dependent CKD patients. Clin Physiol Funct Imaging, 40(6), 399-406.
- Greening, N. J. & Ward, T. J. (2020) Interventional lifestyle and self-management trials: A double-edged sword. Is it time to mandate formal data and safety monitoring? Chron Respir Dis, 17, 1479973119897280.
- Dolmage, T. E., Reilly, T., Greening, N. J., Majd, S., Popat, B., Agarwal, S., Woodhead, F. A. & Evans, R. A. (2020) Cardiorespiratory Responses between One-legged and Two-legged Cycling in Patients with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis. Ann Am Thorac Soc, 17(2), 240-243.
- Daynes, E., Greening, N., Sidiqqui, S. & Singh, S. (2019) A randomised controlled trial to investigate the use of high-frequency airway oscillations as training to improve dyspnoea in COPD. ERJ Open Res, 5(3).
- Latimer, L. E., Constantin, D., Greening, N. J., Calvert, L., Menon, M. K., Steiner, M. C. & Greenhaff, P. L. (2019) Impact of transcutaneous neuromuscular electrical stimulation or resistance exercise on skeletal muscle mRNA expression in COPD. Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis, 14, 1355-1364.
- Yousuf, A., Ibrahim, W., Greening, N. J. & Brightling, C. E. (2019) T2 Biologics for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract, 7(5), 1405-1416.
- Brightling, C. & Greening, N. (2019) Airway inflammation in COPD: progress to precision medicine. Eur Respir J, 54(2).
- Weaver, H., Greening, N. J. & Rathinam, S. (2019) Lung volume reduction surgery in patients with low diffusion capacity. J Thorac Dis, 11(Suppl 3), S234-S236.
- Ibrahim, W., Wilde, M., Cordell, R., Salman, D., Ruszkiewicz, D., Bryant, L., Richardson, M., Free, R. C., Zhao, B., Yousuf, A., White, C., Russell, R., Jones, S., Patel, B., Awal, A., Phillips, R., Fowkes, G., McNally, T., Foxon, C., Bhatt, H., Peltrini, R., Singapuri, A., Hargadon, B., Suzuki, T., Ng, L. L., Gaillard, E., Beardsmore, C., Ryanna, K., Pandya, H., Coates, T., Monks, P. S., Greening, N., Brightling, C. E., Thomas, P. & Siddiqui, S. (2019b) Assessment of breath volatile organic compounds in acute cardiorespiratory breathlessness: a protocol describing a prospective real-world observational study. BMJ Open, 9(3), e025486.
- Orme, M. W., Harvey-Dunstan, T. C., Boral, I., Chaplin, E. J. L., Hussain, S. F., Morgan, M. D. L., Steiner, M. C., Singh, S. J. & Greening, N. J. (2019) Changes in physical activity during hospital admission for chronic respiratory disease. Respirology, 24(7), 652-657.
- Ibrahim, W., Harvey-Dunstan, T. C. & Greening, N. J. (2019) Rehabilitation in chronic respiratory diseases: In-hospital and post-exacerbation pulmonary rehabilitation. Respirology, 24(9), 889-898.
- Gupta, A., Greening, N. J., Evans, R. A., Samuels, A., Toms, N. & Steiner, M. C. (2019) Prospective risk of osteoporotic fractures in patients with advanced chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Chron Respir Dis, 16, 1479972318769763.
- Daynes, E., Greening, N. J., Harvey-Dunstan, T. C. & Singh, S. J. (2018) High-Frequency Airway Oscillating Device for Respiratory Muscle Training in Subjects With COPD. Respir Care, 63(5), 584-590.
- Spruit, M. A., Singh, S. J., Rochester, C. L., Greening, N. J., Franssen, F. M. E., Pitta, F., Troosters, T., Nolan, C., Vogiatzis, I., Clini, E. M., Man, W. D., Burtin, C., Goldstein, R. S., Vanfleteren, L. E. G. W., Kenn, K., Nici, L., Janssen, D. J. A., Casaburi, R., Shioya, T., Garvey, C., Carlin, B. W., ZuWallack, R. L., Steiner, M., Wouters, E. F. M. & Puhan, M. A. (2018) Pulmonary rehabilitation for patients with COPD during and after an exacerbation-related hospitalisation: back to the future? Eur Respir J, 51(1).
- Trethewey, R., Esliger, D., Petherick, E., Evans, R., Greening, N., James, B., Kingsnorth, A., Morgan, M., Orme, M., Sherar, L., Singh, S., Toms, N. & Steiner, M. (2018) Influence of muscle mass in the assessment of lower limb strength in COPD: validation of the prediction equation. Thorax, 73(6), 587-589.
2015-2017 (Post-doctoral/Academic Clinical Lecturer)
- Watson, E. L., Viana, J. L., Wimbury, D., Martin, N., Greening, N. J., Barratt, J. & Smith, A. C. (2017) The Effect of Resistance Exercise on Inflammatory and Myogenic Markers in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease. Front Physiol, 8, 541.
- Vincent, E. E., Chaplin, E. J., Williams, J. E., Harvey-Dunstan, T., Greening, N. J., Steiner, M. C., Morgan, M. D. & Singh, S. J. (2017) Experiences of patients undergoing pulmonary rehabilitation during an exacerbation of chronic respiratory disease. Chron Respir Dis, 14(3), 298-308.
- Greening, N. J., Vaughan, P., Oey, I., Steiner, M. C., Morgan, M. D., Rathinam, S. & Waller, D. A. (2017) Individualised risk in patients undergoing lung volume reduction surgery: the Glenfield BFG score. Eur Respir J, 49(6).
- José, R. J., Chalmers, J. D., Greening, N. J., Janes, S. M. & Committee, B. S. a. R. (2016) Review of the British Thoracic Society Winter Meeting 2015, 2-4 December, London, UK. Thorax, 71(6), 555-9.
- Bafadhel, M., Greening, N. J., Harvey-Dunstan, T. C., Williams, J. E., Morgan, M. D., Brightling, C. E., Hussain, S. F., Pavord, I. D., Singh, S. J. & Steiner, M. C. (2016) Blood Eosinophils and Outcomes in Severe Hospitalized Exacerbations of COPD. Chest, 150(2), 320-8.
- Greening, N. J., Harvey-Dunstan, T. C., Chaplin, E. J., Vincent, E. E., Morgan, M. D., Singh, S. J. & Steiner, M. C. (2015a) Bedside assessment of quadriceps muscle by ultrasound after admission for acute exacerbations of chronic respiratory disease. Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 192(7), 810-6.
- Steiner, M. C., Evans, R. A., Greening, N. J., Free, R. C., Woltmann, G., Toms, N. & Morgan, M. D. (2015) Comprehensive respiratory assessment in advanced COPD: a 'campus to clinic' translational framework. Thorax, 70(8), 805-8.
- Greening, N. J., José, R. J., Chalmers, J. D., Janes, S. M. & Committee, B. S. a. R. (2015b) Review of the British Thoracic Society Winter Meeting 2014, 3-5 December, London, UK. Thorax, 70(3), 278-83.
- Greening, N. J. (2015) Non-adherence to peri-exacerbation pulmonary rehabilitation: the people have spoken. Chron Respir Dis, 12(1), 3-4.
- Watson, E. L., Greening, N. J., Viana, J. L., Aulakh, J., Bodicoat, D. H., Barratt, J., Feehally, J. & Smith, A. C. (2015) Progressive Resistance Exercise Training in CKD: A Feasibility Study. Am J Kidney Dis, 66(2), 249-57.
2012-2014 (Clinical Research Fellow & PhD award)
- Steiner, M. C. & Greening, N. J. (2014) Treating the exercise problem in COPD. Chest, 146(4), 878-880.
- Greening, N. J., Williams, J. E., Hussain, S. F., Harvey-Dunstan, T. C., Bankart, M. J., Chaplin, E. J., Vincent, E. E., Chimera, R., Morgan, M. D., Singh, S. J. & Steiner, M. C. (2014) An early rehabilitation intervention to enhance recovery during hospital admission for an exacerbation of chronic respiratory disease: randomised controlled trial. BMJ, 349, g4315.
- Chalmers, J. D., Greening, N. J., José, R. J., Janes, S. M. & Committee, B. S. a. R. (2014) Review of the British Thoracic Society Winter Meeting 2013, 4-6 December, London, UK. Thorax, 69(4), 378-82.
- Hopkinson, N., Wallis, C., Higgins, B., et al (2013) Children must be protected from the tobacco industry's marketing tactics. BMJ, 347, f7358.
- Harrison, S. L., Greening, N. J., Houchen-Wolloff, L., Bankart, J., Morgan, M. D., Steiner, M. C. & Singh, S. J. (2013) Age-specific normal values for the incremental shuttle walk test in a healthy British population. J Cardiopulm Rehabil Prev, 33(5), 309-13.
- Bolton, C. E., Bevan-Smith, E. F., Blakey, J. D., Crowe, P., Elkin, S. L., Garrod, R., Greening, N. J., Heslop, K., Hull, J. H., Man, W. D., Morgan, M. D., Proud, D., Roberts, C. M., Sewell, L., Singh, S. J., Walker, P. P., Walmsley, S., Group, B. T. S. P. R. G. D. & Committee, B. T. S. S. o. C. (2013) British Thoracic Society guideline on pulmonary rehabilitation in adults. Thorax, 68 Suppl 2, ii1-30.
- Chaplin, E. J., Houchen, L., Greening, N. J., Harvey-Dunstan, T., Morgan, M. D., Steiner, M. C. & Singh, S. J. (2013) Neuromuscular stimulation of quadriceps in patients hospitalised during an exacerbation of COPD: a comparison of low (35 Hz) and high (50 Hz) frequencies. Physiother Res Int, 18(3), 148-56.
- Greening, N. J., Evans, R. A., Williams, J. E., Green, R. H., Singh, S. J. & Steiner, M. C. (2012) Does body mass index influence the outcomes of a Waking-based pulmonary rehabilitation programme in COPD? Chron Respir Dis, 9(2), 99-106.
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- Performs and co-ordinates regular post-graduate training in respiratory medicine
- Performs regular undergraduate medical training
- Taught on national courses on pulmonary rehabilitation, COPD and respiratory physiology
- Invited talks at International, National and Regional meetings
MBBS, PhD, MRCP (Respiratory Medicine), BMedSci(hons)