Dr Natalie Garton
Lecturer in Microbiology
School/Department: Respiratory Sciences, Department of
Telephone: +44 (0)116 223 1415
Understanding how mycobacteria enter into and adapt to the aerosol state and how this may impact infectivity is an additional interest.
Williams C.M., Pan D., Decker J., Wisniewska A., Fletcher E., Sze S., Assadi S., Haigh R., Abdulwhhab M., Bird P., Holmes C.W., Al-Taie A., Saleem B., Pan J., Garton N.J., Pareek M., Barer M.R. (2021) Exhaled SARS-CoV2 quantified by face-mask sampling in hospitalised patients with COVID-19, J. Infect., 82(6):253-259
Otero Fernandez, M., Thomas, R. J., Garton, N. J., Hudson, A., Haddrell, A. and Reid, J.P. (2018) Assessing the airborne survival of bacteria in populations of aerosol droplets with a novel technology, Journal of the Royal Society Interface. 16: 20180779
Garton, N.J. and Barer, M. R. (2018) Mycobacterial Lipid Bodies and the Chemosensitivity and Transmission of Tuberculosis, In Handbook of Hydrocarbon and Lipid Microbiology Series. Health Consequences of Microbial Interactions with Hydrocarbons, Oils, and Lipids. H. Goldfine ed., Springer Verlag. DOI:
Jankute, M., Nataraj, V., Lee, O. Y-C., Wu, H.I.T., Ridell, M., Garton, N.J. et al. (2017) The role of hydrophobicity in tuberculosis evolution and pathogenicity, Scientific Reports, 7(1):1315.
Hector, J, Anderson, S. T., Banda, G., Kamolozi, M., Jeffreys, L. F., Shani, D., Garton, N.J., et al. (2017) TST-positivity in household contacts of tuberculosis patients: A case-contact study in Malawi, BMC Infectious Diseases, 17(1): 259.
Sloan, D.J., Mwandumba, H.C., Garton, N.J., Khoo, S.H., Butterworth, A.E., Allan, T.A., Heyderman, R. S., Corbett, E.L., Barer, M.R., Davies, G.R. (2015) Pharmacodynamic modelling of bacilliary elimination rates and detection of bacterial lipid bodies in sputum to predict therapeutic efficiency in pulmonary tuberculosis, Clinical Infectious Diseases, 61, 1-8.
Garton, N. J., Mukamalova, G. V. and Barer, M. R. (2013) Mycobacterial Lipid Bodies and Resuscitation-promoting Factor Dependency as Potential Biomarkers of Response to Chemotherapy, In Tuberculosis Laboratory Diagnosis and Treatment Strategies, T. D. McHugh (ed.), CABI International.
Garton, N. J., Waddell, S. J., Sherratt, A. L., Lee, S-M., Smith, R. J., Senner, C., Hinds, J., Rajakumar, K., Adegbola, R. A., Besra, G. S., Butcher, P. D. and Barer, M. R. (2008) Cytological and transcript analyses reveal fat and lazy persister-like bacilli in tuberculous sputum, PLOS Med., Apr 1;5(4):e75.
Garton, N. J., Gilleron M., Brando T., Dan, H-H., Giguere, S., Puzo, G., Prescott, J. F., Sutcliffe, I. C. (2002) A novel lipoarabinomannan from the equine pathogen Rhodococcus equi - Structure and effect on macrophage cytokine production, J. Biol. Chem., 277(35), 31722-31733.
Garton, N. J., Christensen, H., Minnikin, D. E., Adegbola, R. A. and Barer, M. R. (2002) Intracellular lipophilic inclusions of mycobacteria in vitro and in sputum, Microbiology, 148, 2951-2958.
I am prepared to supervise projects involved in neutral lipid metabolism and lipid bodies of other bacterial pathogens such as Rhodococcus equi and Acinetobacter baumannii.
I am interested in pathogenic bacteria that transmit via aerosol and investigating how they are adapted for aerosolisation, their responses within aerosol and consequences for infection.
With Prof Clokie, I have an interest in developing bacteriophages to treat intracellular bacterial infections and developing methods to overcome the hurdle of their intracellular delivery.
Press and media
Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
Member of the Acid Fast Club, UK.
Member of the Microbiology Society, UK
Member of the Aerosol Society, UK
Honorary Consultant for and Member of the Biological Stain Commission
B.A. Chemistry (Hons)
PhD Microbiology: Investigation of mycobacterial lipid domains by use of fluorescent probes.