
Monika Baylis

Teaching Fellow

School/Department: Criminology School of



I am a Teaching Fellow at the School of Criminology. Currently I am in my final year of Ph.D. within Department of Criminology at the University of Huddersfield. My Ph.D. focuses on police decision making processes when addressing Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) amongst young people in Poland and England.The project is featured on the College of Policing Research Map (What Works Centre for Crime Reduction). I am a member of the National Academy of Science in Poland (PAN) and Society of Evidence Based Policing (UK).

This also includes training Polish and English serving police officers and being registered as an expert on policing Anti-social Behaviour youth crime hate crime and terrorism with the CEPOL (European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training) the Police Academy in Szczytno (Poland) and Polamk (Police University College) in Finland.

In the past I used to work within CJS’s environment as a professional Polish interpreter for Police CPS Probation Office and Courts (UK).


During my studies I have assisted with various research projects that have involved collecting analysing and storing data such as:

The EU Commission project ‘Security for multimodal passenger transport terminal: best practice toolkit’ proposed by Dr Andrew Newton (former Acting Director of the Applied Criminology Centre at Huddersfield University and Professor Rachel Armitage (my PhD supervisor)).

Trillion Project - a European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme looking at the reporting of incidents to different policing authorities via social networks and mobile applications.

I am interested in researching the following topics:

Comparative policing/Criminology

Youth Crime

Anti-social Behaviour

Police discretion/ Decision Making

Comparative Criminal Justice Systems


Wroblewski, W. & Baylis, M. (2021) ’’The Counterterrorism Systemic Solutions in the Context of Places of Worship in Poland - a Literature Review’’, Internal Security. 2021, Vol. 13 Issue 2, p. 203-215. 13p, – The link: . Conference presentation at Military Academy - Poland (2024).

Baylis, M, Wroblewski, W. and Wisniewski, M. (2023) ‘Current Development in research on violent extremism and risk management’, Science for Security. Results of Scientific Research and Development Works, - The link: - Conference presentation - Internal Security Institute - Poland (2024).

Skrabacz, A, Bsoul-Kopowska, M, Baylis, M, and Toczyński P., (2023) Activating Social Capital of Polish and British People for War Refugees from Ukraine, International Conference at Navy Academy, Poland. Conference presentation - Navy Academy - Poland (2024).

Baylis, M., and Nowak, A. (2023) ‘’Legal and illegal destruction of the natural environment – legal and criminological perspective. Chosen remarks’’, Internal Security. 2023, Vol. 15, (2), pp. 173-185.

Baylis, M., ‘’Criminal Justice System and criminal process in Poland’’ in edited volume by Mbuba, J. M. (2023) Comparative Criminal Justice: International Trends and Practices, Lexington Books.

A report to European Parliament (EP) called ‘’Democratic Oversight of the Police’’, Guittet, E-P, Vavoula, N, Tsoukala, A and Baylis, M (2022). Retrieved from:

Police training course (two presentations and two workshops delivered on policing ASB/youth crime and criminological theories) for CEPOL - The link:,Szkolenie-CEPOL-na-terenie-WSPol.html Police training course (two presentations and two workshops delivered on policing ASB/youth crime and criminological theories) for CEPOL - The link:

Wroblewski, W. & Baylis, M. (2021) ’’The Counterterrorism Systemic Solutions in the Context of Places of Worship in Poland - a Literature Review’’, Internal Security. 2021, Vol. 13 Issue 2, p. 203-215. 13p, – An International Emergency Mechanisms and Disaster Risk Reduction, The link: . Conference presentation.

Baylis, M. (2021 June) “Police and professional policing in Poland”. Presentation and chairing a session on the History of Nordic Police Education was delivered at Police University College in Finland. A book chapter: ‘Police and policing in Poland’ in an edited volume by Mbuba, J. M. (2021). Global Perspectives of Policing and Law Enforcement. Lexington Books.

Baylis, M. (2021 February) “The police’s approach to the coronavirus (Covid-19) situation when addressing Domestic Violence (DV) in England”. Paper was delivered at Polish Police Academy in Szczytno, Poland.

Baylis, M. and Lockwood, A. (2021 February) “New trends in crime across England and Wales as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic - The West Yorkshire Police approach”. Paper was delivered at Polish Police Academy in Szczytno, Poland.

Baylis, M. (2021) “Policja w UK” [The Police in the UK] in Gazeta Policyjna Numer 1/01.2021.

Baylis, M. & Matczak, A. (2019) ‘Police training and education in Poland’ in the Special Edition of Police, Research and Practice. Baylis, M. (2018 May) ‘Kiedy Diabel tkwi w szczegolach’ [When the devil is in the details’]. Paper was presented at the University of Warsaw; Collegium Civitas/Criminology Department (23rd May); Polish Police - Reforms after the 1989 Warszawa, Poland.

Baylis, M. (2017 September) Police discretion on ASB - Polish and English approaches. Paper was presented at 17th Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology (13-16 September); ‘’Challanging ‘’Crime’’ and ‘’Crime Control’’ in Contemporary Europe’’ Cardiff, UK.

Baylis, M. (2017 July) Police discretion on ASB - Polish and English approaches. Paper presented at British Society of Criminology Conference 2017 (4-7 July); ‘’Forging Social Justice: Local Challenges, Global Complexities’’ Sheffield, UK.

Baylis, M. (2017 April) Police discretion on ASB - Polish and English approaches. Paper presented at Institute for Research in Citizenship and Applied Human Sciences (IRCAHS) Research ‘’Engage’’ Festival Conference (25-28 April), Huddersfield, UK.

Baylis, M. (2016 November) Police discretion on ASB in Poland and England. Paper presented at Institute for Research in Citizenship and Applied Human Sciences (IRCAHS) Research Festival Conference, Huddersfield, UK.

Baylis, M. (2015 November) A comparative study exploring police discretion police methods and tools whilst addressing Anti-social Behaviour (ASB) amongst young people in Poland and England. Poster presented at Institute for Research in Citizenship and Applied Human Sciences (IRCAHS) Research Festival Conference, Huddersfield, UK.

Press and media

Comparative policing youth crime police training and decision-making

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