
Professor Michael Warrington

Professor of Radio Communications Engineering

School/Department: Engineering School of

Telephone: +44 (0)116 252 2561



"BSc (Durham) PhD (Leicester) CEng FIET MURSI FHEA I am now working part time (1 day per week) fully engaged on a NERC funded research project."


"An underlying theme of my research projects is the development of a better understanding of the effects of the atmospheric (principally the ionospheric) environment on the propagation characteristics of radio waves and the development of techniques to account for these effects in radio system operation development and planning. All of my projects are experimentally based and involve the development deployment and operation of equipment at a number of sites away from Leicester for example over-sea paths in the Channel Islands in support of UHF studies and long distance paths (often in the Arctic) in support of investigations within the HF band. More information on my research can be found on my ORCID Profile: "


T.G. Cameron, R.A.D. Fiori, E.M. Warrington, A J. Stocker, T.Thayaparan, D.W. Danskin. Characterization of High Latitude Radio Wave Propagation over Canada. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar Terrestrial Physics.  10.1016/j.jastp.2021.105666. Available online 3 May 2021

T. Thayaparan, E.M. Warrington, A.J. Stocker and D.R. Siddle. Simulation of the effect of convecting patches of enhanced electron density on HF Over-The-Horizon Radars (OTHRs) in the polar regions. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 18(29), pp1570-1574. doi: 10.1109/LGRS.2020.3045926

E.M. Warrington,  A.J. Stocker, D.R. Siddle, J. Hallam, H.A.H. Al-Behadili, N.Y. Zaalov, F. Honary, N.C. Rogers, D.H. Boteler, and D.W. Danskin. Observations of HF radio propagation at high latitudes and predictions using data-driven simulations. ionospheric Effects Symposium (IES) 2017, 9-11 May, Alexandria, USA.

N.C.  Rogers, A. Kero, F. Honary, P.T. Verronnen, E.M. Warrington and D.W. Danskin. Improving the twilight model for polar cap absorption nowcasts. Space Weather, 14, 950-972, doi:10.1002/2016SW001527.

Warrington EM, Rogers NC, Stocker AJ, Hallam J, Siddle DR, Al-Behadili HAH, Zaalov NY, Honary F, Boteler DH, Danskin DW. Progress towards a propagation prediction service for HF communications with aircraft on trans-polar routes. Nordic HF Conference, 15-17 August 2016

E.M. Warrington,  A.J. Stocker, D.R. Siddle, J. Hallam, H.A.H. Al-Behadili, N.Y. Zaalov, F. Honary, N.C. Rogers, D.H. Boteler, and D.W. Danskin. Near real-time input to a propagation model for nowcasting of HF communications with aircraft on polar routes. Radio Science, 51, 1048-1059, doi: 10.1002/2015RS005880, 2016.

A.J. Stocker, E.M. Warrington and D.R. Siddle. Observations of Doppler and multipath spread on HF signals received over polar cap and trough paths. Radio Science, 48(5), 638-645, doi: 10.1002/2013RS005264, 2013.

D.R. Siddle, A.J. Stocker, E.M. Warrington, N.Y. Zaalov, M.J. Homam. Simultaneous observations of trans-ionospheric and HF propagation within the polar cap. Radio Science, 48(5), 564-572, doi: 10.1002/rds.20062, 2013.

N.Y. Zaalov, H. Rothkaehl, A.J. Stocker and E.M. Warrington.  Comparison between HF propagation and DEMETER satellite measurements within the mid-latitude trough. Journal of Advances in Space Research, 52, 781-790, doi: 10.1016/j.asr.2013.05.023, 2013.

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Now employed part time in the run-up to retirement and consequently not looking for new PhD students.


No longer teaching.

Press and media

Long range radiowave propagation effects and their impact on radio communication systems.

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