
Lisa Wakefield

Associate Professor

 Lisa Wakefield

School/Department: Business, School of



I am an experienced academic working as a teaching focused leader in Higher Education. Prior to starting work as an academic I trained as a Chartered Accountant and held roles in a number of accounting practices and as a group accountant for a large national organisation. I use this practical experience to underpin the theoretical content of my teaching. I am passionate about developing high quality student focused higher education for all students within the University of Leicester Business school.

I am current Associate Dean: Learning and Teaching – Quality and Development and am responsible for ensuring the academic quality of the education provision within the school.

I am a qualified Chartered Accountant and Fellow of the ICAEW (FCA), a Senior Fellow of Advance HE (SFHEA), a Chartered Management and Business Educator (CMBE) with the Chartered Association of Business Schools, and Associate Member of the Association of Learning Technology (ALT).


My current research interests include:

Educational Research

  • Second Career Academics
  • Assessment Strategy and Feedback mechanisms
  • Engagement in Higher Education

Financial Reporting

  • Signalling Within Narrative Disclosure
  • Social and Environmental Reporting Standards


Wakefield, L. (accepted for publication, December 2021) “Knowing me, knowing you”, Educational Developments, SEDA, 22:2

Wakefield, L. (2021) ‘……Is Anybody There?’, Gateway Papers: A Journal of Education and Pedagogic Research. De Montfort University, 2(1)


I am willing to supervise doctoral students interested in my research interests


I have experience teaching at all academic levels from foundation degrees to masters level modules, within the UK and overseas. While I have taught a number of subjects related to accounting my main teaching focus is on regulatory and legal compliance within financial accounting and reporting. 

  • MN2115 Financial Reporting
  • EC3087 Financial Reporting
  • MN3142 Advanced Financial Reporting
  • MN7037 Social and Environmental Accounting
  • Supervision of undergraduate and postgraduate dissertations


  • 2023
    University of East London Business School, Teaching and Learning Conference. Keynote speaker - The role of data in supporting quality education
    University of Leicester, CSSAH Ed Showcase, Roundtable Convenor
  • 2022
    BAFA Accounting Education SIG - Emerging paper on the link between access hours and success in asynchonous learing
  • 2021
    BAFA Accounting Education SIG – Emerging paper on asynchronous learning and the creation of excellent student focused resources
    University of Johannesburg – staff learning and teaching conference presentation on asynchronous material design

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