
Dr Lisa Sezer

Lecturer in Work and Employment

School/Department: Business, School of


Address: ULSB Brookfield Campus, Mary Seacole Building, Room 1.03


I obtained a BSc (with honours) in Psychology from the University of Konstanz, Germany; and a MSc (Distinction) and PhD from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) in Employment Relations and Organisational Behaviour in 2015. After my PhD, I was a research assistant at the LSE as part of two collaborative projects. Prior to joining the Work & Employment Division at the University of Leicester in April 2019, I had been a lecturer at the DMU.


My research interests lie in employer collective action and mobilisation from a comparative employment relations perspective. My research is interdisciplinary drawing on insights on employer collective action from the employment relations, organization studies, political science, and economic geography literatures.

Based on my background in psychology, I am also involved in a collaborative project (with David Marsden) on the introduction of performance-related pay (PRP) in British schools.

Selected publications:

Ibsen, C. L., Sezer, L. & Doellgast, V. (Online First). Coordination versus organization: Diverging logics of firm cooperation in Denmark and Sweden. British Journal of Industrial Relations.

Sezer, L. A. (2022). Countervailing power and state threats: The case of pro-religious employers’ organizations in Turkey. In L. Gooberman & M. Hauptmeier (Eds) Contemporary Employers’ Organizations: Adaptation and Resilience. New York: Routledge.

Sezer, L.A. (2019). Employers’ Organisations as Social Movements: Political power, and identity-work. Human Resource Management Journal, 19(1): 67–81. (ABS: 4)

Doellgast, V. and Sezer, L. (2012) Making the Right Call: Redesigning Call Centres from the Bottom Up. UNI (Union Network International). Report commissioned for UNI’s annual Call Centre Action Month.



I’d be interested in supervising PhD students in the following areas:

  • Employers’, business, and professional organisations
  • Lobbying and policy-making in employment relations
  • Ideology, identity-work, and institutional theory in organisations
  • Cross-national comparative employment relations
  • Social movements and political economy of social networks
  • political geography and local economic development

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