
Dr Jonathan Heywood

Associate Professor of Education

School/Department: Education, School of

Telephone: +44 (0)116 252 3673



I joined the School of Education in 2010 having previously taught Science in a variety of settings across the West Midlands including Grammar, Comprehensive and Hospital Special schools and with a range of subject pastoral and senior leadership responsibilities.


NextLab (2018-2019)
A European project, in association with University of Leicester Department of Informatics,  building on the GoLab project in which a multimedia platform supports virtual labs and opportunities for inquiry-based learning.

TPACK as a framework for teacher professional development (2013-2018)
Whilst many sources in the literature rate TPACK as a theoretical framework, it has proven less easy to operationalise. This project explored TPACK as a vehicle for enhancing collaborative teacher professional development and developing teachers' pedagogical consideration of the role of technology in teaching and learning.

Implementing Pedagogical Content Knowledge in the Secondary Science Classroom (Science Learning Centre East Midlands) 2010-2013
PCK (Shulman 1986) is a means of relating professional understanding of topic content to pedagogical knowledge. In essence, this attempts to define what it is that successful teachers do to convey specific concepts effectively to learners. In this pilot study, student teachers and their school mentors helped refine and evaluate a framework for structuring and implementing this thinking. 


Simpson, C., Heywood, J., Tas, M. & Bull, S. (2012) Implementing Pedagogical Content Knowledge Through Partnership. Science Teacher Education 65: 26-37


• Technology and Pedagogy
• Science Education


I teach on the PGCE Secondary Science course as well as contributing to masters and doctoral programmes.


I am a Chartered Biologist and Fellow of the Royal Society of Biology (CBiol FRSB), a Chartered Science Teacher (CSciTeach) and a Fellow of the Linnean Society. Among links with various professional bodies, I am an assessor for Science Council registration for CSci and CSciTeach via the RSB.



Heywood, J. (2019) Technology for technology's sake? Reflective tools for appropriate pedagogy. Discovering Teaching Excellence conference, University of Leicester, 12 June 2019.

Heywood, J. (2017) TPACK in Action - a toolkit for identifying and developing teachers' Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge. TEAN Annual Conference, Aston University, Birmingham, 12 May 2017.

Heywood, J. & Tas, M. (2014) Adapted Lesson Study in the first weeks of the secondary science PGCE course. Association of Tutors in Science Education Annual Conference, University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, 3-4 July 2014.

Heywood, J. & Tas, M. (2013) Adapted lesson study: Collaborative lesson planning, teaching, observing and reflection in the first weeks of pre-service teacher training. ESERA, Cyprus. 2-7 September 2013.

Tas M. & Heywood J. (2012) Implementing Pedagogical Content Knowledge through partnership and relating this to the planning and assessment of practical activities. TEAN Annual Conference, Aston University, Birmingham, 18 May 2012.


BSc (Hons) Applied Biology
MEd Professional Studies in Education
EdD Doctor of Education
PGCE Biology/Science

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