
Dr John Panneerselvam

Lecturer in Computer Science

School/Department: Computing and Mathematic Sciences, School of

Telephone: +44 (0)116 252 3862



Dr John Panneerselvam is a Lecturer in Computer Science within the School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences at the University of Leicester. John joined the University of Leicester in February 2020 and prior to this John worked as a Lecturer in Computing at the University of Derby for a period of three years. John received the PhD degree in the discipline of Computing and an MSc in Advanced Computer Networks from the University of Derby. John is currently the Postgraduate Tutor for Computing within the School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences.

John is an active early-career researcher and has research collaborations with several research groups across the globe including Jiangsu University, Tongji University and Anhui University of China, Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, India, to name a few. John has generated various forms of research outputs in the fields of Cloud Computing, Peer-to-Peer Computing, Internet of Things, Big Data Analytics, Wireless Sensor Networks, Network Security and Opportunistic Networking. John servers as a reviewer for a number of reputed conferences and journals including IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing, IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, IEEE Access, Future Generation Computer Systems, IEEE Real-time Data Processing for Cloud Computing, IEEE/ACM Utility and Cloud Computing, IEEE/ACM Big Data Computing, Applications and Technologies etc.

  • IEEE
  • British Computer Society
  • Fellow of Higher Education Academy, UK
Public Profiles


Research Overview

John largely focuses on energy-efficient datacentres with an analytics approach. Datacentres are addressed to be massive energy consumers and environmental polluters. Whilst the energy implications of Cloud datacentres are being addressed from various research perspectives, John focuses on predicting the future trend and behaviours of workloads at the datacentres, thereby reducing the active server resources to conserve energy. This involves studying large-scale commercial datacentre trace logs involving descriptive, predictive and prescriptive analytics using a range of Machine-Learning, Deep-Learning and Artificial Intelligence techniques.

John also works in the areas of Interdisciplinary Analytics, Scheduling and Resource Management in Distributed Datacentres, Internet of Things applications, and Digital Twins. 

Current Research Projects
  • Co-Investigator: Self-learning AI-based digital twins for accelerating clinical care in respiratory emergency admissions, ESPRC/UKRI, October 2023 – April 2025.
  • Principal Investigator: Towards a thermal digital twin, with Airbus, funded by European Space Agency, September 2021 - March 2023
  • Principal Investigator: An IoT enabled smart bin and waste management systems for a sustainable society, funded by Royal Society under the International Exchanges Scheme, March 2022 – March 2025
  • Co-Investigator: Predicting relapse in the Ponseti treatment of clubfoot, sponsored by Foxtrot Charity, NHS
Previous Research Projects
  • Co-Investigator: Digital twin simulation tool, British Telecom, May 2021 – May 2022 
  • Principal Investigator: Developing novel e-commerce analytics dashboard for customer and product Insight, an Industrial MPhil project with Books2Door, funded by ERDF, January 2022 - December 2022
  • Principal Investigator: UK-JIANGSU 20-20 Initiative Pump Priming Grant, British Council, 2019
  • Consortium member: UK-Jiangsu 20-20 World Class University Initiative, British Council, June 2018 – May 2020 
  • Academic Lead: Overseas Research and Training Program, Funded by Jiangsu University, China, 2019
  • Co-Investigator: A Cloud-based Sustainable Business Model for Effective ICT Provisions in Higher Education, Funded by RCUK NEMODE, 2014



  1. W. Yu, Y. Wang, L. Liu, Y. An, B. Yuan and J. Panneerselvam. 2023. A Multiperspective Fraud Detection Method for Multiparticipant E-Commerce Transactions. IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems.
  2. J. Gu, A. Anjum, Y. Wu, L. Liu, J. Panneerselvam, Y. Lu. and B. Yuan. 2022. The least-used key selection method for information retrieval in large-scale Cloud-based service repositories. Journal of Cloud Computing, 11(1), pp.1-19.
  3. Y. Lu, L. Liu, J. Gu, J. Panneerselvam and B. Yuan. 2022. EA-DFPSO: An intelligent energy-efficient scheduling algorithm for mobile edge networks. Digital Communications and Networks, 8(3), pp.237-246.
  4. L.L. Shi, L. Liu, L. Jiang, R. Zhu and J. Panneerselvam. 2022. QoS prediction for smart service management and recommendation based on the location of mobile users. Neurocomputing, 471, pp.12-20.
  5. J. Tong, L. Shi, L. Liu, J. Panneerselvam and Z. Han. 2022. A novel influence maximization algorithm for a competitive environment based on social media data analytics. Big Data Mining and Analytics, 5(2), pp.130-139.
  6. A. Miller, J. Panneerselvam and L. Liu. 2021. A Review of Regression and Classification Techniques for Analysis of Common and Rare Variants and Gene-Environmental Factors. Neurocomputing.
  7. J. Ge, L.L Shi, L. Liu, H. Shi, and J. Panneerselvam. 2021. Edge intelligenceenabled dynamic overlapping community discovery and evolution prediction in social media data streams. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, p.e6786.
  8. X. Sun, L. Liu, A. Ayorinde and J. Panneerselvam, J., 2021. ED-SWE: Event detection based on scoring and word embedding in online social networks for the internet of people. Digital Communications and Networks, 7(4), pp.559-569.
  9. J. Gu, Y. Wu, A. Anjum, J. Panneerselvam, Y. Lu, and Yuan, B., 2021. Optimization of service addition in multilevel index model for edge computing. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, p.e6626.
  10. R. Krishnaprasanna, V. Vijaya Baskar, and J. Panneerselvam. 2021. Automatic identification of epileptic seizures using volume of phase space representation. Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine, 44(2), pp.545-556.
  11. J. Ge, L.L. Shi, L. Liu, H. Shi, and J. Panneerselvam. 2021. Intelligent link prediction management based on community discovery and user behavior preference in online social networks. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 2021.
  12. Y. Guo, L. Liu, J. Panneerselvam and R. Zhu, Efficient service discovery in mobile social networks for smart cities, Computing (2021), 103(2), pp.183-209. doi:
  13. U. Tariq, H. Ali, L. Liu, J. Panneerselvam, J. Hardy. 2021. Energy-Efficient Scheduling of Streaming Applications in VFI-NoC-HMPSoC based Edge Devices, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 12(11), pp.9991-10007.
  14. D. Mumin, L. Shi, L. Liu and J. Panneerselvam, Data-Driven Diffusion Recommendation in Online Social Networks for the Internet of People,IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 2020.
  15. H. Ali, U. Tariq, M. Hussain, L. Lu, J. Panneerselvam and X. Zhai, ARSH-FATI a Novel Metaheuristic for Cluster Head Selection in Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE Systems Journal, May 2020, doi: 10.1109/JSYST.2020.2986811
  16. C. Jiang, Y. Fang, P. Zhao and J. Panneerselvam, Intelligent UAV Identity Authentication and Safety Supervision Based on Behavior Modeling and Prediction, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 16(10), pp. 6652 - 6662, October 2020, doi: 10.1109/TII.2020.2966758
  17. Y. Wu, F. Tao, L. Liu, J. Gu, J. Panneerselvam, R. Zhu, and M. Shahzad, A Bitcoin Transaction Network Analytic Method for Future Blockchain Forensic Investigation, IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, doi: 10.1109/TNSE.2020.2970113.
  18. J. Panneerselvam, L. Liu and N. Antonopoulos, An Approach to Optimise Resource Provision with Energy-awareness in Datacentres by Combating Task Heterogeneity, IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics on Computing, 2018, doi: 10.1109/TETC.2018.2794328 (Impact Factor: 3.626, Q1)
  19. B. Yuan, J. Panneerselvam, L. Liu, N. Antonopoulos, An Inductive Content-Augmented Network Embedding Model for Edge Artificial Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol 15(7), pp. 4295-4305, July 2019. (Impact Factor: 5.430, Q1)
  20. Y. Lu, L. Liu, J. Panneerselvam, B. Yuan, J. Gu and N. Antonopoulos, A GRU-Based Prediction Framework for Intelligent Resource Management at Cloud Data Centres in the Age of 5G, IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, 2019.
  21. Y. Lu, L. Liu, J. Panneerselvam, X. Zhai, X. Sun, N. Antonopoulos, A Latency-based Analytic Approach to Forecast Cloud Workload Trend for Sustainable Datacentres, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing, 2019. (Impact Factor: 2.45, Q1)
  22. U. Tariq, H. Ali, L. Liu, J. Panneerselvam and X. Zhai, Energy-efficient Static Scheduler on VFI based NoC-HMPSoCs for Intelligent Edge Devices in Cyber-Physical Systems, ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, 2019. (Impact Factor: 3.19, Q1)
  23. D. Miao, L. Liu, R. Xu, J. Panneerselvam, Y. Wu, W. Xu, An Efficient Indexing Model for the Fog Layer of Industrial Internet of Things, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol 14(10), pp. 4487-4496, January 2018. doi: 10.1109/TII.2018.2799598 (Impact Factor: 5.430, Q1)
  24. L. Shi, L. Liu, Y. Wu, L. Jiang, M. Kazim, H. Ali and J. Panneerselvam, Human-centric Cyber Social Computing Model for Hot Event Detection and Propagation, IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, vol. 6(5), pp. 1042 – 1050, October 2019, doi: 10.1109/TCSS.2019.2913783.
  25. L. Shi, L. Liu, Y. Wu, L. Jiang, J. Panneerselvam and R. Crole, A Social Sensing Model for Event Detection and User Influence Discovering in Social Media Data Streams, IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, vol. 7(1), pp. 141-150, February 2020, doi: 10.1109/TCSS.2019.2938954
  26. J. Panneerselvam, L. Liu, Y. Lu and N. Antonopoulos, An Investigation into the Impacts of Task-level Behavioural Heterogeneity upon Energy Efficiency in Cloud Datacentres, Future Generation Computer Systems, vol. 83, pp. 239-249, June 2018, doi: (Impact Factor: 4.639, Q1)
  27. J. Panneerselvam, L. Liu and N. Antonopoulos, InOt-RePCoN: Forecasting User Behavioural trend in Large-Scale Cloud Environments, Future Generation Computer Systems, vol 80, pp. 322-341, March 2018. doi: (Impact Factor: 4.639, Q1)
  28. X. Bai, Z. Zhang, L Liu, Z. Zhai, J. Panneerselvam, L. Ge, Enhancing Localization of Mobile Robots in Distributed Sensor Environments for Reliable Proximity Service Applications, IEEE Access, PP(99):1-1, February 2019. (Impact Factor: 3.557, Q1)
  29. X. Shen, Q. Chang, L. Liu, J. Panneerselvam, and Zheng-Jun Zha, CCLBR: Congestion Control-Based Load Balanced Routing in Unstructured P2P Systems, IEEE Systems Journal, 12(1), 2018, pp 802 - 813. DOI: 10.1109/JSYST.2016.2558515. (Impact Factor: 4.337, Q1)
  30. J. Chen, T. Li, J. Panneerselvam, TMEC: A Trust Management Based on Evidence Combination on Attack-Resistant and Collaborative Internet of Vehicles, IEEE Access Journal, 2018.DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2876153 2725898 (Impact Factor: 3.557, Q1)
  31. M. Wang, L. Shi, L. Liu, M. Ahmed, J. Panneerselvam, Hybrid Recommendation based QoS Prediction for Sensor Services, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 14 (5), 2018, pp 1-10. DOI: 10.1177/1550147718774012 (Impact Factor: 1.787)
  32. J. Panneerselvam, L. Liu, N. Antonopoulos and J. Hardy, Analysis, Modelling and Characterisation of Zombie Servers in Large-Scale Cloud Datacentres, IEEE Access Journal, vol 5, pp. 15040-15054, July 2017. doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2725898 (Impact Factor: 3.557, Q1)
  33. X. Bai, L. Liu, M. Cao, J. Panneerselvam, Q. Sun, H. Wang, Collaborative Actuation of Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks for the Agriculture Industry, IEEE Access, Vol 5, 2017, pp 13286 - 13296. DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2725342 (Impact Factor: 3.557, Q1)
  34. J. Panneerselvam, J. Hardy, L. Liu, N. Antonopoulos, B. Yuan, Mobilouds: An Energy Efficient MCC Collaborative Framework with Extended Mobile Participation for Next Generation Networks, IEEE Access Journal, vol 4, pp. 9129 – 9144, September 2016. doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2016.2602321 (Impact Factor: 3.557, Q1)
  35. V. Rajinikanth, N. Dey, R. Kumar, J. Panneerselvam and N. S. M. Raja, Fetal Head Periphery Extraction from Ultrasound Image using Jaya Algorithm and Chan-Vese Segmentation, Procedia Computer Science, pp. 66-73, vol. 152, 2019.
  36. Y. Lu, J. Panneerselvam, L. Liu, Y. Wu, RVLBPNN: A Workload Forecasting Model for Smart Cloud Computing, Journal of Scientific Programming, September 2016. doi: (Impact Factor: 1.344)
  37. J. Li, J. Zhao, Y. Li, L. Cui, B. Li, L. Liu, J. Panneerselvam, iMIG: Towards an Adaptive Live Migration Method for KVM Virtual Machines, The Computer Journal, Oxford University Press, Vol 58(6), 2015, pp 1227-1242.DOI: 10.1093/comjnl/bxu065 (Impact Factor: 0.792)
  38. X. Shen, L. Liu, P. Gu, Z. Jiang, J. Chen, J. Panneerselvam, Achieving Dynamic Load Balancing through Mobile Agents in Small World P2P Networks, Computer Networks, Elsevier, Vol 75, pp. 134-148, 2014. DOI: 10.1016/j.comnet.2014.05.003 (Impact Factor: 2.522)
  39. J. Panneerselvam, A. Atojoko, K. Smith, L. Liu, N. Antonopoulos, A Critical Review of the Routing Protocols in Opportunistic Networks, Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems, Vol 14(1), December 2014. DOI: 10.4108/inis.1.1.e6

Book Chapters

  1. J. Panneerselvam, L. Liu and Yao Lu, Datacentre Event Analysis for Knowledge Discovery in Large-Scale Cloud Environments, Cloud Computing, Computer Communications and Networks, 2017. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-54645-2_14
  2. J. Panneerselvam, L. Liu, R. Hill, An Introduction to Big Data, Application of Big Data for National Security, Butterworth-Heinemann, pp 113-139. ISBN: 9780128019672, February 2015.
  3. J. Panneerselvam, L. Liu, R. Hill, Requirements and Challenges for Big Data Architectures, Application of Big Data for National Security, Butterworth-Heinemann, pp 113-139. ISBN: 9780128019672, February 2015.
  4. T. Holding, J. Panneerselvam, L. Liu, Migrating to Public Cloud: From a Security Perspective, Guide to Security Assurance for Cloud Computing, Springer, pp. 31-50, March 2016.
  5. V. Rajinikanth, H. Lin, J. Panneerselvam and N.S.M. Raja, Examination of Retinal Anatomical Structures – A Study with Spider Monkey Optimization Algorithm, Applied Nature Inspired Computing: Algorithms and Case Studies, pp. 177-197, Springer, 2020.

Conference Papers                                                              

  1. Q. Sun, L.L. Shi, L. Liu, Z. X. Han, L. Jiang, Y. Lu and J. Panneerselvam. 2021, December. A Dynamic Collaborative Filtering Algorithm based on Convolutional Neural Networks and Multi-layer Perceptron. In 2021 20th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing and Communications (IUCC/CIT/DSCI/SmartCNS) (pp. 459-466). IEEE.
  2. H.Q. Bai, L.L Shi, L. Liu, J. Panneerselvam, and Z.X. Han. 2021, December. An Overlap Community Propagation Algorithm based on Topics and Community Structure in Social networks. In 2021 20th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing and Communications (IUCC/CIT/DSCI/SmartCNS) (pp. 331-338). IEEE.
  3. A. Miller, J. Panneerselvam, and L. Liu. 2021, December. An empirical analysis of LADA diabetes case, control and variable importance. In Proceedings of the 14th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing Companion (pp. 1-8).
  4. P. Mrozek, J. Panneerselvam and O. Bagdasar, Efficient Resampling for Fraud Detection During Anonymised Credit Card Transactions with Unbalanced Datasets, 6th International Symposium on Real-time Data Processing for Cloud Computing (RTDPCC 2020), Leicester, December 2020.
  5. A. Ayorinde, J. Panneerselvam, L. Liu and D. Miao, Topic clustering using induced squared correlation thresholding with dimension reduction, 10th IEEE International Conference on Sustainable Computing and Communications (SustainCom-2020), Exeter, December 2020.
  6. U. Tariq, H. Ali, J. Panneerselvam, J. Hardy, L. Liu, Energy-aware Multimedia Applications Scheduling on VFI-NoC-MPSoC using as Edge-devices in IoT, 10th IEEE International Conference in Big Data and Cloud Computing, Exeter, December 2020.
  7. J. Chen, L. Shi, L. Liu, A-O. Ayorinde, R. Zhu, J. Panneerselvam, User Interest Communities Influence Maximization in a Competitive Environment, 16th International Conference on Mobility, Sensing and Networking (MSN 2020), Tokyo, December 2020.
  8. B. Yuan, A. Anjum, J. Panneerselvam and L. Liu, Exploring Network Embedding for Efficient Message Routing in Opportunistic Mobile Social Networks, International Conference on Data Mining Workshops (ICDMW), November 2019, doi: 10.1109/ICDMW.2019.00077, IEEE Press.
  9. O. Alofe, K. Fatema, J. Panneerselvam and F. Kurugollu, Saving Victims in Moving Vehicles: an IoT based prediction model aided solution, 2nd IEEE Middle East and North Africa COMMunications Conference (MENACOM), November 2019, IEEE Press.
  10. M. Shahzad, J. Panneerselvam, L. Liu and X. Zhai, Data Aggregation Challenges in Fog Computing, Proceedings of the 5th IEEE Smart World Congress, August 2019, IEEE Press.
  11. H. Ali, U. Tariq, L. Liu, J. Panneerselvam, X. Zhai, Energy Optimization of Streaming Applications in IoT on NoC based Heterogeneous MPSoCs using Re-timing and DVFS, The 16th IEEE International Conference on Advanced and Trusted Computing, Leicester, 2019, IEEE Press.
  12. H. Wang, J. Panneerselvam, L. Liu, Y. Lu, Xiaojun Zhai, Haider Ali, Cloud Workload Analytics for Real-Time Prediction of User Request Patterns, Proceeding of 4th IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Systems, Exeter UK, 28-30 June 2018. IEEE. (Best Paper Award)
  13. J. Panneerselvam, L. Liu and N. Antonopoulos, Characterisation of Hidden Periodicity in Large Scale Datacentre Environments, IEEE Int. Conf. Green Computing and Communications, Exeter, June 2017. IEEE Press. pp 496-503, DOI: 10.1109/iThings-GreenCom-CPSCom-SmartData.2017.79
  14. R. Xu, D. Miao, L. Liu and J. Panneerselvam, An Optimal Travel Route Plan for Yangzhou Based on the Improved Floyd Algorithm, Proceedings of 10th IEEE International Conference on Cyber, Physical and Social Computing, 2017. pp 168 – 177. IEEE Press DOI: 10.1109/iThings-GreenCom-CPSCom-SmartData.2017.30
  15. Y. Fan, J. Panneerselvam and L. Liu, The Cost Function and Improvement Strategies of Service Quality of University Library under New Information Environments, Proceedings of 10th IEEE International Conference on Cyber, Physical and Social Computing, 2017. pp 208-215. IEEE Press DOI: 10.1109/iThings-GreenCom-CPSCom-SmartData.2017.36.
  16. X. Bai, M. Cao, L. Liu, J. Panneerselvam, Qiao Sun, Efficient Estimation and Control of WSANs for the Greenhouse Environment, Proceedings of 9th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC 2016), Shanghai, China, Decemer 2016, pp. 369 – 374. IEEE Press. DOI: 10.1145/2996890.3007853
  17. J. Panneerselvam, L. Liu, N. Antonopoulos, M. Trovati, Latency-Aware Empirical Analysis of the Workloads for Reducing Excess Energy Consumptions at Cloud Datacentres, 2016 IEEE Symposium on Service-Oriented System Engineering (SOSE), Oxford, March 2016. pp. 119 - 125. IEEE Press. DOI: 10.1109/SOSE.2016.60
  18. X. Sun, Y. Wu, L Liu, J. Panneerselvam, Efficient Event Detection in Social Media Data Streams, Proceedings of 13th IEEE International Conference on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing (IEEE DASC 2015). pp 1711 – 1717. IEEE Press. DOI: 10.1109/CIT/IUCC/DASC/PICOM.2015.258
  19. K. Vilius, L. Liu, J. Panneerselvam, T. Stimpson, A Critical Analysis of the Efficiencies of Emerging Wireless Security Standards Against Network Attacks, Proceeding of International Conference on Intelligent Networking and Collaborative Systems, Taipei, 2-4 Sept. 2015. DOI: 10.1109/INCoS.2015.56
  20. F. Tao, J. Panneerselvam, T. Holding, L. Liu, A Cloud-based Sustainable Business Model for Effective ICT Provision in Higher Education, 7TH IEEE Int. Sym. Service Oriented System Engineering, San Francisco, pp. 222-228, March 2015. IEEE Press. DOI: 10.1109/SOSE.2015.9
  21. J. Panneerselvam, L. Liu, N. Antonopoulos, Y. Bo, Workload Analysis for the Scope of User Demand Prediction Model Evaluation in Cloud Environments, Proc of IEEE/ACM Int. Conf. Utility and Cloud Computing, pp 883-889, December 2014. IEEE Press. DOI: 10.1109/UCC.2014.144
  22. F. Hou, X. Mao, W. Wu, L. Liu and J. Panneerselvam, A Cloud-Oriented Services Self-Management Approach Based on Multi-Agent System Technique, Proceeding of 7th IEEE International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC 2014), London, December 2014, pp. 261-268. IEEE Press. DOI: 10.1109/UCC.2014.35
  23. R. Xu, L. Liu, J. Panneerselvam, User Experience Evaluation of Chinese Travel App Software, Proceedings of The 14th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (CIT 2014), Xi’an, China, September 2014, pp. 610-615. IEEE Press. DOI: 10.1109/CIT.2014.109
  24. H. Al Jabry, L. Liu, Y. Zhu, J. Panneerselvam, A Critical Evaluation of the Performance of Virtualization Technologies, Proceedings of CHINACOM, Maoming, China, August 2014, pp. 606-611. IEEE Press. DOI: 10.1109/CHINACOM.2014.7054367
  25. J. Panneerselvam, L. Liu, R. Hill, Y. Zhan, W. Liu, An Investigation of the Effect of Cloud Computing on Network Management, Proceedings of 9th IEEE International Conference on Embedded Software and Systems (ICESS), Liverpool, UK, June 2012. pp. 1794-1799. IEEE Press. DOI: 10.1109/HPCC.2012.270
  26. J. Panneerselvam, S. Sotiriadis, N. Bessis and N. Antonopoulos, Securing authentication and trusted migration of weblets in the cloud with reduced traffic, IEEE 3rd International Conference on Emerging Intellifgent Data and Web Technologies, September 2012, pp. 316- 319, IEEE Press, DOI: 10.1109/EIDWT.2012.20


Current PhD Supervision

First Supervisor

  • Anthony Miller - Lada Diabetes Classification by Combining Genetic and Conventional Risk Factors
  • Ayodeji Ayorinde - Detecting Bursty Events Using Supervised Learning Approach
  • Scott Jamieson - Analytics and Artificial Intelligence approach for Sustainable Datacentres
  • Shiyao Wu - An AI driven approach for enhancing the dependability of the Ponseti method of Clubfoot Treatment
  • Hassan Dirshawy - Shoulders’ range of motion measurements: investigating, analysing, classifying, and evaluating

Second Supervisor

  • Zekun Sun - Intelligent Resource Management Model for Green Cloud Computing
  • Jiayan Gu - A Novel Multi-level Service Index Model for Large-scale Distributed Service Repositories in Edge Computing
  • Thomas Buteux - Model Based Concurrent Engineering: Pre-Phase-A Concept to Digital Twin

Please feel free to get in touch, if you would like to pursue a PhD or MPhil degree in the areas of Cloud Computing, Distributed Computing, Machine-Learning and Artificial Intelligence applications.


  • Creating Software Applications - Level 0     
  • Computer Science, Entrepreneurial and MComp Projects


Panel Member

  • Panel Member: Industry 5.0: Role of AI in Human Robotic Co-Working, RANE 2023, Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science, August 2023.
  • Panel Member: AI and Sustainability, BCS 41st SGAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Cambridge, UK, December 2021.

Invited Talks

  • Keynote: 4th International Conference on Robotics, Automation and Non-destructive Evaluation, RANE 2023, Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science, August 2023.
  • Keynote Invitation: International Conference on Futuristic Digital Technologies for Sustainable Development, AMET University, March 2023.
  • Workshop Session: Developing Cyber Security Models using Deep Learning Techniques, Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science, July 2023.
  • Keynote: International Conference on Digital Archiving and Presentation on Cultural Heritage of India, AMET University, December 2022.
  • Invited Talk: Artificial Intelligence for Space Workshop, Space Park Leicester, June 2022.
  • Keynote: International Virtual Conference on Innovations and Research in Marine Electrical and Electronics Engineering, AMET University, India, ICIRMEEE 2021.
  • Keynote: AICTE (All India Council for Technical Education) sponsored STTP-III Programme at AMET University, India, December 2020.
  • Invited Talk: Indian Institute of Information Technology Design and Manufacturing, India, January 2020.
  • Invited Talk: Anhui University Anhui Province China December, November 2020.
  • Keynote: International Conference on Recent Advances in Communication, Energy and Sensors Races 2019, Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, India, November 2019.
  • Invited Talk: Babes-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca Romania, May 2019.
  • Invited Talk: Jiangsu University Jiangsu Province China December 2018, 2019.
  • Invited Talk: Anhui University Anhui Province China December 2018, 2019.
  • Invited Talk: Nanjing Agricultural University Jiangsu Province China December 2018. 

Other Citizen’s Activities

  • Guest Editor for Big Data Mining and Analytics published by Tsinghua University Press.
  • Review Editor for Energy Efficiency Technologies in the journal Frontiers in Energy Efficiency journal.
  • International Advisory Board - International Conference on Fostering Sustainable Development through Innovation and Smart Technologies, November 2023, AMET University, India.
  • PGR Tutor for Computer Science, University of Leicester (2022 – present).
  • Programme Leader for MSc Information Technology and BSc Information Technology, University of Derby (2018 – 2020)
  • Module Convener for BSc Computer Science Project, Entrepreneurial Projects and MComp Projects, University of Leicester (2022 – present)
  • Member of the Professorial Council, University of Derby (2018 – 2020).
  • International Recruitment Board, University of Derby (2018 – 2020).
  • Finance Chair for IEEE UCC 2021, 2022.
  • Programme Chair for IEEE RTDPCC 2019, 2020; IEEE DMTS 2019
  • Publicity Chair for INSERT-IoT 2019
  • Track Chair for IEEE IoP
  • Session Chair IEEE iVCE
  • Organising Committee for IEEE UCC 2014, 2016, 2018, 2020, 2021
  • TPC Member of a number of IEEE conferences including IEEE UCC, IEEE BDCAT, IEEE RTDPC, IEEE TAIAp-BigData, IEEE SOSE, IEEE SITIS, IEEE MSN.


  • Citizens’ Awards 2023 nomination in the category of Student Recruitment and Retention Award, University of Leicester.
  • Elsevier Recognition 2023: research outputs are recognised for contributing to societal progress and advancing the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
  • PhD Thesis nominated for the BCS 2018 Distinguished Dissertation Award by external examiners.
  • Best Paper Award: 4th IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Computational Intelligence (DSCI 2021).
  • Best Paper Award: 10th IEEE International Conference on Big Data and Cloud Computing (IEEE BDCloud 2020)
  • Best Paper Award: 4th IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Systems (IEEE DSS 2018)

Media coverage


  • PhD in Computing University of Derby UK 2018
  • PGCert in Teaching in Higher Education University of Derby UK 2018
  • MSc Advanced Computer Networks University of Derby 2013
  • BE Electronics and Communication Engineering Thangavelu Engineering College India 2011

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